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Mod Security Tweaked. You shouldn't view any more error pages.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Hey guys. I have tweaked Mod Security with the help of a helpful hand on xenforo.com

You should not view any error pages again. If you do please let me know and I will look into the exact rule that might have triggered it. Personally mod security protects the site and is a web application firewall. It might not be needed but I like to keep things safe. I never looked into the precise rule but a user gave me a list of rules he has disabled on his site and says things have been running perfect for him for the exact setup he has. With that said I will keep you updated and I will look into it further if need-be but it shouldn't happen again.

One last thing to leave you with. Googlebots do index the site quite frequently and show no errors but for the past 6-7 months Google has been viewing the site with multiple bots showing errors. I'm not exactly sure what the reason might be. I see them on normally quite often but there are multiple times where it says there's an error.

My first instinct was that it was because the site was down for a year but I have reason to believe after half a year that it's just not the case.

It's nothing to freak out about because it won't take me long to get to the bottom of it. Simply put I just needed proof that it wasn't because the site was down for a year. Now I know that wasn't the case and I can have it fixed. I never plan to remove the site. At this point I am quite satisfied with keeping it up for the longest time. I have plans to make this site a big one. When the issue is fixed I will make another announcement.
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