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Manufacturers or Models you would avoid?


Mar 23, 2019
Let's say you're given £7,500 (approx. $10,600) to go out and buy yourself a second-hand car.. are there any makes or models that you would stay clear of straight away? I'm not sure what the second-hand car market in the US is like, but with £7,500 in the UK you could probably get yourself a pretty nice motor which is less than 5 years old.

Personally I'm staying well clear of;

Nissan (most models - ugly)

Peugeot (all models - reliability)

Vauxhall / Opel (all models - now owned by Peugeot - reliability)

I think I'd be pretty much open to everything else.. I'd probably avoid really small cars such as the Ford KA, they're not exactly practical with a small child.. I'd definitely want something with 5 doors.

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