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Mandala Art to reduce stress


Feb 4, 2022
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Mandala Art helps to boost the immune system, reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure, promote sleep, and ease depression. Designing and coloring mandalas can help you focus your attention.  Has anyone tried it?
RE: Mandala Art to reduce stress

Mandalas is a spiritual symbol in Asian art. In Hindu and Buddhist cultures, mandalas serve as a representation of the universe and a guide on the path to enlightenment. A  mandala basically is a geometric design or pattern that represents the cosmos or deities in various heavenly worlds. Mandalas have also been found to help both children and adults suffering from anxiety disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Creating artwork inside the circle can help silence a person's inner critic and induce a calm, meditative state. I have tried it and have found it very helpful when you are stressed.