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Is the YouTube Ad-Pocalypse Really Returned?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Has anyone noticed a ton more ads being shown on YouTube.com in between videos. They've never played this many ads and I think it's something new that's been happening. Some YouTubers were talking about the ad-pocalypse being here because of how many there has been recently.

They went from playing 1 ad every few videos to now doing 2 ads (sometimes even having to wait 8 seconds before moving on) and they are more frequent and will sometimes play almost every video. This is something new and it is appearing if this doe milking scheme isn't going to stop. I don't know about you but it's just so annoying. I watch youtube a lot but I would never pay for ad-free viewing and you shouldn't be forced into watching the ad where you can't skip over at least not that many times.