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Is Remixing good trend in music?


Feb 4, 2022
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In my opinion, I would say some songs have been remixed so well and they change the trend of music which is liked by this generation. So do you like remix songs?
RE: Is Remixing good trend in music?

Remixing without changing the  original mood of the song is quite ok. Though I am not in favour of listening to remix songs, younger generation don't really mind it and even enjoy it.
RE: Is Remixing good trend in music?

Sometimes it ruins the essence of the song which is not appreciable. But yeah the trend is always changing and most of them enjoy too.
RE: Is Remixing good trend in music?

It is, why not. It can turn out really bad tho, but it can turn out really good. If it's your fav song usually you will dislike it, but you never know. Sometimes I hear the remix first and then the original, and hate the original