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I am proud to announce we have upgraded Xenforo to 2.2.3 Finally. Couldn't have worked out more perf


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
The site upgrade went very smoothly. I will save the feature information since we are still a new site but I will say we are racking up on posts and I can only hope it continues.

You can read up on the second point conversion changes here on xenforo's official website -> https://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-2-2-0-add-ons-released.185814/

If you want to read beyond that up to the third point 2.2.3 rather then just 2.2.0 then click into announcements and you will find it. There are a few features though I will honestly say you may not have noticed and I am still learning exactly what all features we have and what I may enable later. I will update the announcements on what I'm enabling later on if need be but so far there's a few things you can do.

1. Add a profile banner. That means you can upload an image banner to your profile header.

2. Discussion types: questions, articles, and normal threads. This gives you the ability if your asking a question to make a discussion dedicated to questions only. When posting thread you should see the option. Users can upvote and downvote the answer in a sort of question and answer format kind of like on stackoverflow.

3. GIPHY support. Simply click on GIF in the bbcode editor when your replying to put a random animated GIF in a post. Incredible.

There are numerous unmentioned features. I'm trying to keep the thread as short as possible but you can view it all in the link above. You will notice many improvements as you continue to use it.

Style Info:

We will keep our current custom theme and add updates and improvements to it later on. The only reason I was changing the theme is because we are on the brink of activity but haven't yet made it yet. Since we are about to get to a point where changing the style is out of the question, this is the reason.

Partner and Mind Piff Advertising:

I have recently somewhat partnered with https://www.bizdustry.com

I bought an advert to go in the header for the next 2 months. So I have actually taken initiative to help us thrive. My custom welcome notice add-on is still active with the animating bubbles too. But yes spread the word to your friends. Let them all know about our site. The ad will go active by tomorrow.

Last But Certainly Not Least:

[ATTACH type=full" alt="tumblr_oo457kwuPD1r6p28jo1_1280_small.gif]305[/ATTACH]

It went smoothly and wasn't one single issue updating the add-ons. :D
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Thanks for returning 1@zoldos[/uSER] I see your racking up the awards there. Hopefully the ad I bought for 2 months on bizdustry will help.
Thanks for returning 1@zoldos[/uSER] I see your racking up the awards there. Hopefully the ad I bought for 2 months on bizdustry will help.
How much was the ad? Does bizdustry get a lot of activity? I love the forum templates BTW. Very cool!
How much was the ad? Does bizdustry get a lot of activity? I love the forum templates BTW. Very cool!
It's a pay to post forum where you earn money to post. They got 100,000+ posts in a very short amount of time and I am online friends with the owner 1@Alexander.[/uSER] in which I decided to tag. He was gracious enough to offer me a huge discount. If it goes well I may try and see what I can do for a forum promotion ad too sometime over the Summer. And thank you about the theme yeah. I just want the users to be happy. I feel as if users like this one best only because it will help us get more activity.
Nice work on the update. Prefer the dark version for this style, looks good.
No problem 1@Creaky[/uSER] I actually think the dark version is much better. I like light versions for default though and always have been the one to use them on default theme. To be honest since we've managed to get this far on posts, I have been working several post trades and we start to grow soon with the ad.
Interesting to see that you've changed the style again, but so glad that damn flag hasn't returned (or a variation of it).. :ROFLMAO:

You'll have to let me know how things go with your advert on Bizdustry!
Yes 1@Nerdface[/uSER] well long story short I just want the members to be happy. And I want us to thrive with posts. In my opinion organization is important on a forum. It's not all about how flashy a style is. I want us to grow. If members are happy then I am. It's much easier for to to get updates from the style creator then to edit the style constantly anyways.
The profile banner is what I was waiting for. The style before this one was really good.
The profile banner is what I was waiting for. The style before this one was really good.
As you wish. I re-edited the above. I just want everyone to realize that our community is yet a "community" although it will be within the next 2-3 months I can almost assure you. Therefore changes such as style changes to get a feel for what we should be using is possible but temporary and only for now. When we start getting a lot of people there's no way it will ever change again except for the UI of the exact same theme. 1@Nerdface[/uSER] 1@Creaky[/uSER] 1@Nagato[/uSER] I'm not blowing smoke but trying to prepare is mainly what it is. There's no shame in experimenting to see what users like.

I re-edited the style info area of the first post. Traffic seems to do better on the custom theme I will say. When the traffic starts rolling in, the style will stick. I can handle a custom theme. Just because I developed it myself doesn't mean it's not remarkably professional and can't be maintained.
Looks like everything went well with the update. Hope the learning curve isn't too bad.
Thank you 1@Joshua Farrell[/uSER] for your kind words. The learning curve, that's interesting you say that. I will say that I wasn't that far behind but I still do need to learn the 2.2.3 features. I'm excited to see where it takes us. I don't think many others will find trouble in learning though. The GIPHY support where it says "GIF" in the toolbar editor is nice. Going to see what other features there are soon.
Wait, it went to .2.3? Hrmm, didn't get that notification in my email. Congrats on the upgrade, got to work on my own site now :P
Yes 1@Demon_skeith[/uSER] indeed it did. And thank you. Your allowed up to 3 links in your signature too so please do put your site in there.