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Free Forum Hosting for Discuss or Flarum


Sep 30, 2020
Reaction score
I have been trying to find out the free hosting for the discuss forum. I have seen the software and it sounds good. but I am not sure if there is any host that would be willing to offer the free hosting for this sort of the script.

Do you know any good host that offers free hosting for the discuss and flarum with installer?
RE: Free Forum Hosting for Discuss or Flarum

Been a member of this site since 2003. I was only 13 years old when I signed up and it's still kicking. Give it a look-see and you should find a free host no problem. Probably even with cPanel and ad-free which is what some people actually offer on this forum. That means they usually come with a script installer. Let me know how it works out. Some great hosts on there. They leave you the option to upgrade later which is a great feature. Click on the navigation link Community for the forum area where most offers are.

RE: Free Forum Hosting for Discuss or Flarum

I've never really adjusted to liking Flarum. I am not used to the topics all appearing on the index, and it's pick the category of discussion on the side thing. Do they have any customization that allows you to change that?
RE: Free Forum Hosting for Discuss or Flarum

Prior to bumping this thread, I had never heard of a forum software called flarum. I did a quick research and it says "modern, fast, and free." Is it actually free? I mean is it free just like wordpress content management system? Or free like website builders that give you a subdomain with their free plan?