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First ever game !


Aug 23, 2021
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What is the first ever game you have played on your computer? Mine was Solitaire LOL!
RE: First ever game !

Don’t know if it is first, but I used to play International Soccer on PC when I was in grade 3.
RE: First ever game !

I played my first ever game on my SEGA console which was The Punisher and Contra. 

As for my PC, it's Half-life that I played on it. 
RE: First ever game !

Jessica said:
What is the first ever game you have played on your computer? Mine was Solitaire LOL!
It was a space war game that I can't even remember the name because it's even in the business internet Cafe that I was able to play video games on PC for the first time. 
RE: First ever game !

It was so long ago I most likely forgot the right game. It could have been one of those education games or it could have been one of the games that came with the computer. It'll always be a mystery to this date I guess.
RE: First ever game !

I even forgot my game time with Gameboy back in the days. I think it's around 1989 when I got my first Gameboy. My childhood gaming experience was awesome. 
RE: First ever game !

Heatman said:
I even forgot my game time with Gameboy back in the days. I think it's around 1989 when I got my first Gameboy. My childhood gaming experience was awesome. 
Mario bros is another game that I can remember to play so early. It was one game that really got popular for kids in my neighborhood back then. Some kids still play Mario now as well. 
RE: First ever game !

It was The Punisher that I played first on my SEGA console. I still have the game till today even though I now own Playstation 1, 3, and 4. 
RE: First ever game !

Pac-Man was my first game on my PC back in 1990. I think the game came out around 1988 if I remembered correctly. I still play it till today with the latest one Pac-Man 99.
RE: First ever game !

Ja sa bong said:
It was The Punisher that I played first on my SEGA console. I still have the game till today even though I now own Playstation 1, 3, and 4. 
I played the game early too but it was never my first game. It was on Sega console which wasn't my first gaming console either. 
RE: First ever game !

Anachiwo said:
I played the game early too but it was never my first game. It was on Sega console which wasn't my first gaming console either. 
I still play on my old Atari 2600 and I'm loving every single day I get the opportunity to play on it. The same thing goes for my Sega too. 
RE: First ever game !

Anachiwo said:
I played the game early too but it was never my first game. It was on Sega console which wasn't my first gaming console either.
I didn't get the opportunity to play on the Sega console. Playstation 2 was my first.
On a console the first game I played was pokemon red and blue and for a computer the first game I played was mortal Kombat.
Henrywrites said:
RE: First ever game !

I didn't get the opportunity to play on the Sega console. Playstation 2 was my first.
If I'm thinking about an old video game classic console that I would like to see it remade and upgraded, it's definitely going to SEGA Genesis or Satrun.
Heatx said:
If I'm thinking about an old video game classic console that I would like to see it remade and upgraded, it's definitely going to SEGA Genesis or Satrun.
Mario Kart was the first game I played on Sega years ago. Now, I only play Mario games on Nintendo Switch.
Martins said:
Mario Kart was the first game I played on Sega years ago. Now, I only play Mario games on Nintendo Switch.
Mario Games were really memorable. A lot of kids back in the days can relate to how good such games were in those days.
Mr Bong said:
RE: First ever game !

I still play on my old Atari 2600 and I'm loving every single day I get the opportunity to play on it. The same thing goes for my Sega too.
What's the first game that you played on Atari 2600?