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Finished Updating the Forum Look


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
I just want everyone to know that if you noticed any changes recently with the forum look, I am now completely finished with the changes.

As you can see it looks much neater now that I even included a wrapper combined with the top breadcrumb. Dark style looks the best it's ever been and everything looks fantastic in my opinion. Sidebar was tweaked and so was header color a couple times but there will be no more changes until we grow. Which at the point we'll have second point 5.x.x updates based on the UI. First point style updates x.x.x will be based on the software's 2nd point update.

So far we are on Cafe Discussions 4.9 We started. with 2.0.0 because of Xenforo 2 being 2.0. The two second point Xenforo 2 software updates put us on 4.0 and our own second point updates are simply when there's an improvement or style modification. Thank you for your Support.

I look forward to the future.
Look great. Please keep the forum up to date. Also isn't it look more great if you put the Chat box ?
The chat box on the homepage is messy and causes a lot of clutter. You may have noticed - The chat is actually a pop-up window once clicked, keeping itself from having to direct to a different page. Hence you never leave the page your currently on and can have it to chat anytime. Sufficient for now.