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Financial sustainability

Lord Roco

Dec 28, 2024
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Before we begin to even think about the particulars of a website/forum/online platform, we think about financial sustainability. The big question is, are running websites becoming financially sustainable?

With the amount of work, time and skill that goes into the creation of one, the manpower, time and intellectual that goes into the sustenance of online platforms, do you think its really worth it? How many years of hardwork would i take to make a website that breaks even and makes profit?
Revenue generation is very important to the sustainability of any online service. It is not impossible to make money through websites; however, this usually takes time, energy, and money to achieve. It can take from several months to several years to start making profit.
If you want to be financially stable, it's going to be in your best interest to become self sufficient. Working for someone is never going give you financial freedom.