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Facts don’t care about your feelings


Active Member
Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
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What do you think about Ben Shapiro?
RE: Facts don’t care about your feelings

I don't like him at all. Even though i kinda agree on what he says, i will never try to bury what others feel and think about themselves, he uses really mean examples to justify his thoughts.

As a "victim" of globalization, i can't seem to overcome my addiction to japanese cuteness and from time to time i do femme cosplays though i'm a guy. Whatever lol
RE: Facts don’t care about your feelings

Well, sometimes facts are subjective. For instance, if someone calls someone fat - that's often subjective. If someone says someone is ugly - that's often subjective. Anyway, imagine all the harm (bullying) done by these remarks.
RE: Facts don’t care about your feelings

Well, sometimes facts are subjective. For instance, if someone calls someone fat - that's often subjective. If someone says someone is ugly - that's often subjective. Anyway, imagine all the harm (bullying) done by these remarks.
Yeah and a lot of these higher paid guys on Fox News or whatever news network you watch are paying the price for their words. Some of the most famous Fox News anchors have been subjugated to being accused of not only sexual misconduct (not sure if any are true or untrue) and also remarks based on race. I know that not too long ago my Grandfathers favorite fox news anchor who had the show called "the Factor" (Bill O'reilly) recently got kicked off the air for good because a woman had claimed sexual misconduct. Personally I've watched the show for years and know that they were probably making it up. But that profession takes words and actions quite seriously so you have to be on your toes with what you say.
RE: Facts don’t care about your feelings

Yeah and a lot of these higher paid guys on Fox News or whatever news network you watch are paying the price for their words. Some of the most famous Fox News anchors have been subjugated to being accused of not only sexual misconduct (not sure if any are true or untrue) and also remarks based on race. I know that not too long ago my Grandfathers favorite fox news anchor who had the show called "the Factor" (Bill O'reilly) recently got kicked off the air for good because a woman had claimed sexual misconduct. Personally I've watched the show for years and know that they were probably making it up. But that profession takes words and actions quite seriously so you have to be on your toes with what you say.
Politics - left or right, has one into overkill - and there are consequences.