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Embed Youtube Videos in posts

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Gamer Guy

Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
I'm not sure if this is already possible but I couldn't find the BB Code option in the toolbar.

It will be nice if we had the option to embed Youtube videos in our post.

I made a recent post by copy/pasting the Youtube video link. Upon posting it, I saw the video embed largely in the post, but when the post was actually published, it turned into a link.
Uhm um, I would love when the video is shown wide, and not shown as a link to click on. 1@TopSilver[/uSER] I love the background of your forum now, including the recent theme improvement. Please, help us to enable embeded  YouTube video to appear as a video to be watched and not a link, thank you. 
I will look into it. I'm still trying to figure out how to set all that up or if it would require an add-on. This is invision power board. I don't think there will be an issue in the future but the option hasn't been an easy one to find so far.
TopSilver said:
I will look into it. I'm still trying to figure out how to set all that up or if it would require an add-on. This is invision power board. I don't think there will be an issue in the future but the option hasn't been an easy one to find so far.
You've corrected it, when I posted a video recently it simply embeded faster without infringement. Now, the forum is very much comfortable and more user-friendly. 
Since you changed from IPB to XF, you shouldn't have an issue with embed videos now.
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