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Domain registrar we were using was a cross scripting page. Unbelievable but true


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
I have now discovered that namecheap and another company called godaddy are cross scripting pages where traffic the entire time was being blocked out

I am furious and furthermore godaddy a cross scripting page is what I can't believe. Namecheap was the one we were using and our domain was not visible to other people.

I switched the domain provider to one that's not being hosted on our local network and now I see guest traffic coming in. Nothing was compromised at all, I can assure you just because the site has the padlock and is protected. But whoever steps in with a class action lawsuit sign me up since godaddy has been around since Y2K and a cross scripting page even then where the owner of the domain doesn't even know their website is being hosted.