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Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?


Feb 1, 2022
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Even though the scarcity of Playstation 5 is partly as a result of the pandemic of coronavirus and also the shortage of chips for its production.

But on the other hand, Scalpers are a big problem in the game market because they have a way of getting the so called out of stock products and sell it twice the amount it's supposed to be sold.

Would you be willing to buy PS5 for over $1k from Scalpers?
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I don't have any plans of buying Playstation 5 from anyone right now and not even from Scalpers. Scalpers are the worst people to purchase anything from because they will milk you till you're dead.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I would rather not purchase PlayStation 5 at all than purchase it from Scalpers. To some extent, I have good reason to believe that they are involved in why Playstation 5 is scarce in the market.

How can Sony not have Playstation 5 available but they have to sell?
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

There's no need for me to rush getting Playstation 5 from them because I know that in the next few years, the console would be available in any online store and physical store out there. I'm taking my time with it, there's no pressure.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

There's no need for me to rush getting Playstation 5 from them because I know that in the next few years, the console would be available in any online store and physical store out there. I'm taking my time with it, there's no pressure.
Once you are able to resist the urge of buying from scalpers, you will not have to worry about spending too much on the console. This is because there will always come a time when it is going to be dumped in the market that the price will even fall.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I don't even have the money to buy Playstation 5 at the normal price. I wonder what's going to make me even consider buying it from scalpers that would sell it more expensive? I will never buy anything from them.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I would rather stick to my Playstation 4 . Spending double the amount for a Playstation can never been seen as a wise decision for me. Why would I do that?
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I would rather stick to my Playstation 4 . Spending double the amount for a Playstation can never been seen as a wise decision for me. Why would I do that?
This is what I am doing already and I don't have any problem doing it for a very long time. This is because spending that amount of money on what those silly people are selling PlayStation 5 is not worth it.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

Everything is all about making more money and it's why SCALPERS are in business. As for buying from them, it's never going to happen because I'm not extravagant.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I don't have any plans of buying Playstation 5 from anyone right now and not even from Scalpers. Scalpers are the worst people to purchase anything from because they will milk you till you're dead.
They are in there for the business of taking advantage of the scarcity of any console in the market and make 100x profit from their sales. It's in our hands to stop them by not buying from them.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

They are in there for the business of taking advantage of the scarcity of any console in the market and make 100x profit from their sales. It's in our hands to stop them by not buying from them.
It's nonsense trying to purchase anything from scalpers. They ruin the market law of demand and supply with their weird access to consoles when they are not supposed to be available in the market. How do they get it?
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

This is what I am doing already and I don't have any problem doing it for a very long time. This is because spending that amount of money on what those silly people are selling PlayStation 5 is not worth it.
Even when nothing changes in the long run, I can never spend double the cost of Playstation 5 just to buy it.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

They are in there for the business of taking advantage of the scarcity of any console in the market and make 100x profit from their sales. It's in our hands to stop them by not buying from them.
It is actually gamers that are giving them the power that they have in the gaming industry because once we stop patronizing them, they are going to fade off from the business market.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

Heatman said:
It is actually gamers that are giving them the power that they have in the gaming industry because once we stop patronizing them, they are going to fade off from the business market.
The truth is that most of us are addicted to gaming that it is sometimes not easy to just relax and not play games. So, it is another challenge.
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

I will never try that kind of rubbish. Spending more when all I need to do is wait for a while when the consoles will be available next year.
I really don't fancy the PlayStation 5 but I when I feel like changing my PlayStation 4 and going for a different console I would certainly get the PlayStation 5.

For now I don't feel like getting the PlayStation 5 though.
I don't know of any one who got their PlayStation 5 from scalpers though but at the moment I have no need for the PlayStation 5.

I am considering getting it next year though.
Okeluemuka said:
RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?
I will never try that kind of rubbish. Spending more when all I need to do is wait for a while when the consoles will be available next year.
If it was an option for me, I would have owned a Playstation 5 by now. But it's not worth it in my opinion.

It's not realistic at for someone to spend 3x the price of Playstation 5 just because of what!!!
Anachi said:
If it was an option for me, I would have owned a Playstation 5 by now. But it's not worth it in my opinion.

It's not realistic at for someone to spend 3x the price of Playstation 5 just because of what!!!
I think next year is going to be better for a lot of people that play games. The PlayStation 5 console should have enough supply for those asking to buy it.
I won't consider buying Playstation 5 from Scalpers. It's only from Sony that I have plans on buying my Playstation 5 from.