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Covid Vaccine Time Bomb

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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One reason many hate the vaccine is they think it's preprogrammed to reduce population.   They figure certain elites want depopulation, so they've engineered the vaccine.  Myself, I don't really believe it.    Is there any convincing evidence?   Anyhow, we live in such a poisonous cesspool, lol that many things are killing us.  For instance, if you just eat non-nitrate free hot dogs, you're greatly increasing cancer risk.
RE: Covid Vaccine Time Bomb

No I doubt that. Unlikely it was done for that reason even if it was on purpose. Probably just meant to cause people anguish and pain and cause people to die.
RE: Covid Vaccine Time Bomb

I took just once vaccine, it wanted to take me down, which made me to suspend going for the complete vaccination. Because, it wasn't comfortable with my system, and I wouldn't bother myself to take it anymore. 
RE: Covid Vaccine Time Bomb

I do not believe that Covid vaccine is a potential time bomb for reducing population. Its just bizzare to even think in those terms. All these controversies started due to the inefficiency of vaccine. Day in and day out we hear contradictory statements on vaccine. For instance in today's news, scientists in France have given clean chit to vaccination program stating that it is effective in preventing any form of Covid varient. Earlier doubts were cast regarding efficacy of getting vaccinated. This in turn led to vaccine hesitancy. A majority of population the world over have been vaccinated and herd immunity is very high. Hopefully, we will see decrease in spread gradually and see the world getting back to normal very soon.