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Covid-19 Tyranny

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Many people's jobs are threatened because they must get the vaccine.     Also, supply chains are threatened cause truckers don't want vaccines.   Well, what's the big deal with the vaccine?   Well, many don't trust this MRNA thing and believe conspiracies about it to some degree.  It's known that certain elites are into depopulation.  How do we know they aren't poisoning the vaccine, in a sense?

Anyway, people have been angry about Covid-19, even before the vaccine.   Nonetheless, Covid-19 is a real threat.  Fortunately, I didn't get it until the 2nd round this year, but it's no joke.  Well, even if you get a mild case, it can go to some elderly person and knock them off.


Jul 2, 2021
RE: Covid-19 Tyranny

If some elites are simply seeking depopulation, then it's a shame. Anyone who thinks about this will be affected first. They aren't the ones who made the earth, the creator created it for people to live and expand the earth. 


Feb 4, 2022
RE: Covid-19 Tyranny

All these conspiracy theories around vaccine is ill founded. I certainly don't believe that vaccination have been 100% successful, but I do believe that it has at least controlled the casualty rate the world over, which in itself is promising. With research on administering oral medications in final stages, we probably have for the first time, a upper hand over the situation. Social media and fake news have been by and large successful in creating panic over government vaccination program. We, as responsible citizens should also make sure about the safety of others. For the same reason, I do not support the truckers agitation against vaccine. 

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