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been a while


Mar 15, 2019
Reaction score
so it’s been a while since I’ve posted on this site and it hasn’t lifted too well for the time I have been here, it did start great but it isn’t going so I’m gonna be posting here more often to help out and start promoting this more out so I hope you guys get more recognition and just have crazy stories here, glad to be back and I hope again where everything is more active cause this is somewhat dead and the discord isn’t just to well so everyone on this site make sure to join the mind piff discord, love ya all
RE: been a while

Thank you for your enthusiasm 1@Gaming_Kids[/uSER] I've sort of been on break for a small amount of time. I plan to kick things off again around mid-august with inviting more people and getting things active as much as possible. From there on out we should be good with activity again but I'm glad you decided to stop by again and thank you for the support!
RE: been a while

Welcome back. I myself haven't been overly active of late, but I'm always lurking somewhere in the background.. ;)
RE: been a while

Hey! we all have our stuff going on always but you know you're always welcome.

i prefer quality over quantity.. :P
RE: been a while

everyone is so friendly! I absolutely love this community
RE: been a while

everyone is so friendly! I absolutely love this community
That's the spirit.. we are glad you love it. We will try our best to keep it that way for everyone.