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Android Studio


Sep 30, 2020
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I have developed in the android studio before. My app is not live anymore. And the thing is that each year we have to keep up with the android API version which kind of is moving target. I have realized that learning android is fun but the thing is that you have to keep it up with the android and also learn to program and build the stuff is kind of pain these days.

Have you used the Android Studio? What is your experience?
RE: Android Studio

I never used the android studio before to build any software android app, I'm just trying to get in touch will programming in order to get down developing utility apps, designing a website using different programming languages.
RE: Android Studio

I too never used android studio. I had developed one game similar to angry bird in Unity. Though, that had some flaws in physicX properties. Later, I had shifted to unreal engine, which is another open source project.
RE: Android Studio

Used it to get some info for an app for my forum. Seem pretty complicated to me, but then again I'm not much of a developer.
RE: Android Studio

I've tinkered with it before, but never attempted to publish anything to the store. I dislike using my phone for stuff, except for things that don't require me to type out stuff in length. If I ever get around to attempting to publish on there, I might check to see how easy it would be to make a mobile edition of one of my sites I run.
RE: Android Studio

I myself never used the android studio, But I hear that Android Studio is the better choice for experienced or beginner programmers in my opinion and experience. There are not really tutorials on how to make apps in Android Studio, there are just tutorials on how to make apps. If you go to File > New project in Android Studio it will make a beginner app for you if you add activities and such to the project so it gives you a good starting point.

If you ever need help with learning how to do something in Android Studio, then just post about it and people will help - I think, well with that anyone what to help ME... ?   XD
RE: Android Studio

I have Android Studio and bought it with the Jetbrains all products but never used it. Might have to give it a check.