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Album duds to classics

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Apr 19, 2018
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As the title suggests, which albums did you either not think much of, or hated the first time around, but after some listens to it, it grew to be what you would consider to be a classic or an extremely well put together album. For example, the first time I listened to Ready to Die by the Notorious BIG or the first Run the Jewels album, I didn't really enjoy them but now I consider them to be some of the best hip hop albums in my opinion.
RE: Album duds to classics

I never really like the newer releases by Running Wild, since shadowmaker i felt that it was some sort of Beggar music instead of that classic Heavy Metal record but after a few years of listening to it, it grew inside as something different from their usual repertoire.

Anyway, Rapid Foray is what you call a redemption.
RE: Album duds to classics

Some music grows on you with time.  You might have life experiences and then finally "You hear the blues.", so to speak.   I think one thing that helps me appreciate music is not over listening to it.   In that case, when you finally hear it again, it seems very fresh and interesting.
RE: Album duds to classics

My favourite African music band/collaboration have always been P-square, they separated during 2016, but returned recently around late 2021 to continue their collaboration. 

When I listened to their then famous album of 'Danger, I didn't like it first time, but as time progressed I simply loved it. 
RE: Album duds to classics

There are quite a few which I remember I disliked when I heard them first. Later on after few years, I have in fact started liking it and listening to it more and more. So, I mean, there can never be a dud or classic in music. Probably as you age and have seen life, the music which you hated earlier might be seen in different light. 