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  1. V

    PS5 & Keyboard

    I can't even wrap my head around the fact that there are gamers that will play games on consoles with the keyboard. For what reason exactly?
  2. V

    Do you think it's time for a The last of us part three?

    The last of us was developed by some top developers, so I know that they did a very good job on that game.
  3. V

    How much do you spend on games?

    I have not spent more than $500 total on any game. I see no need for such even when there are urges to buy some of those games.
  4. V

    Online or offline games?

    Offline games most times because I will always prioritize my peace of mind over the bullying that happens on online games.
  5. V

    Are you a completionist?

    Completing most of the games that I play is very important. I can never leave a game that I've started playing to play another one without ensuring that it is completed.
  6. V

    What's the most disappointing game you've played?

    Has there not been an update on the game production? I suspect that they should do so to avoid players complaining.
  7. V

    Playstation or Xbox?

    Xbox consoles because I have the 360 console at my place. I am yet to understand the hype that comes with the PlayStation brand yet.
  8. V

    How often do you clean your console?

    I do the cleaning on a monthly basis even when I have not used it to play for most of the time.
  9. V

    When do you play your games?

    I play my video games when I am free at weekends, but on weekdays, I am always playing on my mobile phone.
  10. V

    Do you pre order games?

    I only pay for new games. I don't have the money to buy new games before they are out.