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  1. Nebulous

    What are you listening to?

  2. Nebulous

    When nobody is around....

    What do you do when no one else is around? Anything weird? Are you different when you're home alone?
  3. Nebulous

    What’s your love language?

    The concept of "love languages" shows couples how to give each other love in ways that it is best received. What’s your love language?
  4. Nebulous

    Which character would make the worst roommate?

    Which character from a book, tv show or movie would make the worst roommate?
  5. Nebulous

    Annoying if played music

    What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?
  6. Nebulous

    Nebulous dropping in!

  7. Nebulous

    What genre?

    What genre of video games interests you the most? Which one do you like the least?
  8. Nebulous

    Make the cashier give you weird looks

    What are three things you could buy at a grocery store to make the cashier give you weird looks?
  9. Nebulous

    Nebulous dropping in!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and check this place out. Glad to be here. Looking forward to chatting with everyone around the forum.