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  1. L

    Early or late to bed?

    RE: Early or late to bed? It's almost 3:00 AM EST now here in my country and I'm still awake. I haven't slept at all yet. I should be ready to sleep in the next one hour.
  2. L

    How do you handle rejection?

    RE: How do you handle rejection? If you're rejected outrightly in a new relationship, you should be happy because it's a good thing. You are lucky that you wouldn't be played and manipulated in which you are going to suffer a lot and in the end still get rejected and dumped. ?????? ????? ??????
  3. L

    Loveth greets

    Thank you for making it possible for me to be here. I appreciate that good gesture a lot. Your forum look nice, although I'm more used to Xenforo platforms but this looks good too.
  4. L

    Do you like subtitles?

    RE: Do you like subtitles? They are always very helpful whenever you're watching movies that are not in English language. It's the main reason why the are used. I like using it.
  5. L

    Are you afraid of getting old?

    RE: Are you afraid of getting old? Getting old is a blessing. It's even written in the Bible. I would love to get old like my grandmother. She died at the age of 98 years old.
  6. L

    True love or 10 million dollars?

    RE: True love or 10 million dollars? Does true love pay my bills? I would even take $1 million dollars over true love. In fact, 1 million dollars is even too much money to ask for. I will take 500 thousands dollars. ????
  7. L

    Experience with a bad teacher?

    RE: Experience with a bad teacher? I had a mathematics teacher in my secondary school back then that we all k know her as a joker. She's not supposed to teach mathematics but we don't know how she managed to get the subject. None of us took her seriously. ?????? ?? ??????
  8. L

    Do you prefer sleeping on the mat?

    RE: Do you prefer sleeping on the mat? As a lady, it's not good to sleep on the mat which is on the floor. It's going to be harmful for my skin. ????
  9. L

    Favorite websites?

    RE: Favorite websites? TikTok and Instagram is my favorite website or should I say application too. It's why I get all the gist and gossip of the day. I go to Facebook when I feel like but not always. ?????? ????? ????
  10. L

    Ever fainted?

    RE: Ever fainted? I have passed out a few times as a result of severe painful menstruation. There are months it's going to be like the menses wanna kill me. It's so painful.
  11. L

    Do you like waist beads?

    RE: Do you like waist beads? It's a very common thing for we ladies now. I wear it as well. I wear at least 4 different waist beads. I also wear ankle beads too. They look beautiful.
  12. L

    Loveth greets

    Hi my friends. I'm Loveth. I'm really happy being here. I'm still average to playing games but enjoying every bit of it.