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  1. M

    I want views on twitch

    So im here to rant about it. I have been banned so much came back and still continue through the struggle. I have a lot of content to chare and entertain with come and you may see me @ my twitch link is in my signature but im pissed that I have 3.3k followers yet no chatters or viewers half of...
  2. M

    Whats your favorite NFL team

    Mine is the Carolina Panthers. Always has been. I liek cleveland in the AFC though. But die hard carolina. What about you guys? And if your a division rival, expect some banter.
  3. M


    You might not be a basketball, nba or even hornets fan. But damn.. this lamelo ball I have never seen a PG like him I play just liek he does in FSB2 a game which some of you should get and play I can teach!
  4. M

    Im just goin to say it

    Trump won. Im no dumbass I dont listen to what my friends or MSM say I do my research, fact checks and I look at the past. Biden is a fucken racist look who mentored him and who he gave a euology to in 2010 or 11 when they died, a grand wizard of the KKK. Bidens already goign to get us into WW3...
  5. M

    What one game you played that made you ? your reality

    I have to say Soma was one of them. I mean you could write an essay term paper on it. I wont ruin it for you, but if you have not played it, my gosh go play it. Yes its a bit horroish oh well lol. Also Get Even is a good one as well make you question if we're in a simulation or not
  6. M

    Mobile Games

    When i think fo games liek these, i think of what my mother plays and has played for 8 years concescutively non-stop candy crush. Thats not an app or a game thats a drug lol.
  7. M

    AMD reigns Supreme

    IMO. Nvidia 3090 is enticing i admit 24 gigs is amazxing, but Ryzen and the new 6900 series card which I heard you can crossfire.. whooo!!! But you wil lneed as hefty PSU for just oen they require 6 6pin power cables. Intel overpriced, Amd grewat bang for buck. Nvidia ovrpriced. Get similar to...
  8. M

    Looking forward to Resident evil 8 The Village?

    I so am I am a horror guy and I love to stream horro games an I must say these clips kind of sum up how resident evil gets me [video=twitch]https://www.twitch.tv/clip:DreamyPiercingPlumWholeWheat [video=twitch]https://www.twitch.tv/clip:CallousExuberantOrangeBlargNaut
  9. M

    Alt-Tech Sites

    What are some sites you know of to compete wwith twitch, youtube, facebook, twitter? I know theres Minds, Parler, Odyssey, bitchute. What are some others name what you know.
  10. M

    My channel intro for twitch

    what do you think? I am still goign to work on it and the music, scripts, backgrounds, cant wait forr the next stimulus.
  11. M

    Meat Processing cut off

    Have you guys hear that all major meat processing and packing in the US close kinda over night after on boom in cases at a plant in south Dakota i believe. We will be forced to eat beyondmmeat''s fake food full of soylent green and estrogen all sorts of shit, not to mention infertility. What do...
  12. M


    What you think. In the distance With every chance You dance Every move enhanced I'm entranced Your beauty's forbidden, No love stricken Even though smitten No admission Hope and vision Sit in remission Mornings stand still Unable to un-kneel Yet humble skill Lead to feel The...
  13. M

    The men (my covid-19 song)

    I wrote this song ten years ago to this beat https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tferc_LFTA4?feature=oembed I am looking for the raw recording with my vocals. Its hardcore/death metal style or Screamo RapThe men ----------- Waste away This platoon of men, in vain. The crowd strikes forth...
  14. M

    What would YOU title this?

    I write. You defeat me You defeat me You have no authority yet you hold it over me I cant and I wont let you get away! This time is mine no infraction You seem to be one who cant read between the lines Are you out of your mind? Loose lips sink ships and it seems you been walkin' on...
  15. M

    Are liberals/SJW'S ruining America/the world?

    What do you guys think, personally I do. The world has turned into a pussy with the gall to justify itself and actions of why it is a pussy. the nerve of some people... I mean c'mon a hundred years ago, the problems we face today, we didn't back then. Why, because times were different and people...
  16. M

    Last Game Played?

    What was the last game you played?
  17. M

    What about the shut down in america?

    Think about this SHUTDOWN of Government in the USA. If something isn't done soon so much shit will lead to martial law. Do your own research. Trump... ughh
  18. M

    Whats the game your looking into for 2019?

    Personally I have quite a few im looking forward, Res Evil 2 remake, The Division 2, Devil may Cry 5, Cyberpunk 2077, rage 2, Red Dead redemption 2 (for PC). What are you looking forward too, and dont say Anthem, its already out. Okay.. it doesnt mater if your looking into anthem lol :P What is...
  19. M

    Wassup Im Mr_Cr3am.

    I've made an intro before, but I am redoign it. I am Mr Cr3am from twitch.tv/mr_cr3am. You guys want to see some awesome game play and have good conversations and AMA, then come I stream every day at least 6-8 hours a day or more! I love fps games, story driven games, a good hack n slash too...
  20. M

    Whats a good cloud storage site?

    One that is free to liek 750gb or a 1 tb?