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  1. R

    Who's your favourite protagonist in games?

    RE: Who's your favourite protagonist in games? Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII is my favourite protagonist in video games and especially in the Final Fantasy franchise. Noctis is another one but Cloud is the best of the best.
  2. R

    Which game franchise do you think should be retired?

    RE: Which game franchise do you think should be retired? I could say that it's high time another gaming company take over the development of WWE games from 2K. They are out of ideas on what to do with the game. Tetris should be retired by now. It's gone on long enough.
  3. R

    The most bugged game played

    RE: The most bugged game played Most games all come with bugs of their own. I have never seen or played any games without any bugs. WWE 2K20 is the worst I have ever seen when the game was released. 2K Games so rushed the game and left it with lots of bugs and glitches.
  4. R

    Do you pre order games?

    RE: Do you pre order games? My experience with pre ordering Cyberpunk 2077 was the last time that I'm ever going to purchase any game on pre order. I don't even see much need to have the early access to the games. It's better to wait till the game is fully released before I pay for them.
  5. R

    iPhone 14 soon!

    RE: iPhone 14 soon! I can't even afford iPhone 13 Pro Max and they are already about releasing iPhone 14. I call them luxury smartphone for a selected set of users because for people like us, it's never going to happen for us.
  6. R

    What do you hate about your phone?

    RE: What do you hate about your phone? The smartphone must be old for it to be experiencing hanging problems. It might be lack of storage or low RAM size that's causing it to hang. The problem with my smartphone is slow charging. It takes awfully long period of time to charge 100%. I hate that.
  7. R

    Do you know how to swim?

    RE: Do you know how to swim? I watched a video yesterday on Facebook where a nurse in Chicago or Canada was live streaming herself swimming and she drowned while on live streaming. I have strong phobia for water and it's why I can't bring myself to swim.
  8. R

    Do you save money at home?

    RE: Do you save money at home? I would never be comfortable leaving a huge sum of money at home. It's not safe. Yes, I have a piggy bank at home where I save small money but having a vault at home isn't going to work with me. I rather keep my money in the bank because it's safer there.
  9. R

    What's your best way for relaxation?

    RE: What's your best way for relaxation? We ladies love to gossip a lot. If you see a lady who doesn't love to gossip, it means that something is very wrong somewhere. What I'm trying to say is that I feel relaxed whenever I'm gossiping with my ladies.
  10. R

    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    RE: Netflix or Amazon Prime? I don't any subscription on either Netflix or Amazon Prime. I only make use of HULU streaming service. Most of the time, I prefer to download my movies. I love to have access to my movies without having to use internet connection to watch them.
  11. R

    Do you make use of PayPal?

    RE: Do you make use of PayPal? I have a PayPal account too. I started using PayPal in 2015 when I started working online. It was the only major means most website pays those working on their website.
  12. R

    Saying or Current Account?

    RE: Saying or Current Account? There's a little typographical error in your thread title but I understand what you were trying to say. I make use of only a savings account. I have no business that requires a business current account.
  13. R

    What's your favorite mobile game?

    RE: What's your favorite mobile game? It was my classmate Ruth who introduced me to playing Stardew Valley. The very moment I started playing the game, I fell in love with it immediately. It's among my best video games now.
  14. R

    Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

    RE: Free or Paid Games on smartphone? There are so many free to play video games that gives cool gameplay. Video games like Fortnite from Epic Games and Apex Legends is a very good example of free games that's worth playing.
  15. R

    Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring?

    RE: Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring? When I don't have anything to contribute in the discussion that's going on, I don't think that there's anyone who's going to bother if I'm playing video games at that time or not.
  16. R

    What's your most hated mobile phone game?

    RE: What's your most hated mobile phone game? The colours surely play a very big role in making me like playing Candy Crush video game on my smartphone. Also the crushing sound of the candies when you are crossing them out is also another entertaining thing I like.
  17. R

    Playstation or Xbox?

    RE: Playstation or Xbox? I will go with PlayStation console. To the best of my knowledge, PlayStation is the most sought after console in the game market. I have played on Xbox console in the past but never owned any.
  18. R

    Which games are you playing on mobile phones now?

    RE: Which games are you playing on mobile phones now? Asphalt 9: Legends is the game I'm playing on my smartphone now. I played it in the morning and I'm still going to play it again before going to bed.
  19. R

    Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

    RE: Free or Paid Games on smartphone? I have a very low budget on video games. This impacts on the number of paid games I take up. If it's too expensive, I would skip the game. It's why I play more free games on my smartphone.
  20. R

    What's your favorite mobile game?

    RE: What's your favorite mobile game? Stardew Valley is my favourite game on my smart for now. It doesn't change the fact that I also love and enjoy playing Candy crush too. Both of them are very relaxing video games I love to play.