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  1. Martinsx

    If you are a horror fan, What is one of your fav slasher movies and why?

    Saw is another slasher horror movie I watched years ago. It was when they did so well in making horror movies.
  2. Martinsx

    Favorite TV Shows?

    Stranger Things is another TV series I loved so much after completing the last season.
  3. Martinsx

    What movie kept you up the rest of the night?

    I haven't completed watching of all the episodes of House of The Dragon. I will surely complete it before January ending.
  4. Martinsx

    Game of thrones should have had a better ending.

    Game of Thrones never lacked content. It was worth the whole 8 seasons.
  5. Martinsx

    Your favorite Movies?

    Venom is another good movie I watched recently and I liked it. I'm going to watch the part 2 soon. I hope it's better.
  6. Martinsx

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    It's not only those that are old that are dying. A lot of young people die these days.
  7. Martinsx

    Photo Editing Software

    PaintShop Pro is what I use for all my photography editing. Adobe Photoshop is very impressive.
  8. Martinsx

    What did you have for dinner?

    How do they prepare fried rice? I never learnt how to prepare that kind of rice?
  9. Martinsx

    No Internet! Ohh God. Bored!

    Don't they get sued? If they are sued and made to pay lots of fine, they will sit up.
  10. Martinsx

    Do you have any pets?

    My dog too helped out during the COVID lockdown too. Playing video games helped out too.
  11. Martinsx


    I used it to microwave a meat pie yesterday morning that I couldn't eat till it became cold. It was as if it came out of the oven immediately.
  12. Martinsx

    Are you a saver or a spender?

    No one makes money for you and no one gives you money when you're broke. Even getting jobs now is very difficult.
  13. Martinsx

    What made you smile today?

    Being alive is very big in our world today with all the war and killing that's happening. It's something to be happy for.
  14. Martinsx


    This is very bad. What did her family do to that evil man? He should be killed if the law would have it but I know it's not possible.
  15. Martinsx

    Post Your Desktop!

    This a touchscreen right? My brother makes use of the same thing.
  16. Martinsx

    Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

    There's no understanding death from the way I see it. Death is Death.
  17. Martinsx

    Last Book read?

    It's one of the first book I read in my late teenage years. The book is worth a read.
  18. Martinsx

    What are you listening to?

    Was this in the Equalizer? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3TE8E_m0hpQ?feature=oembed
  19. Martinsx

    Last Show Watched?

    Yes, it's on Amazon Prime but if you have cracked Netflix, you can watch it on it too.
  20. Martinsx

    Last Movie Watched?

    I watched Snow Piercer yesterday and it was good.