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  1. Yarik

    "War" banned in Russia

    In Russia, you aren't allowed to say the word "war". If you do tho, and are caught doing so, you have a great chance of facing big problems. Instead of war, you should say special military operation. That's referring to what's happening in Ukraine right now. In Russia they say that the "war" is...
  2. Yarik

    Cheat Guides

    RE: Cheat Guides Cheating a level in singleplayer is fine by me. But only in singleplayer. In no way cheats should be used when playing a multiplayer game. It ruins the experience for everyone. It's simply not fair and should be punished.
  3. Yarik


    RE: Abortion From one side, it's a murder and causes harm to the population growth. From another side, it should be the woman's choice to either keep the baby or not. Neither of the two things can't be forced upon her. There are arguments for both options. Personally, I don't support abortion.
  4. Yarik

    Ban on PUBG game.

    RE: Ban on PUBG game. They would say because of violence. But violence is everywhere. Even in the news, every day. Should the news be banned as well? As I've said, the problem is not in the game, but in people who would get aggressive over it.
  5. Yarik

    Do you think you would ever quit gaming?

    RE: Do you think you would ever quit gaming? I'll never quit gaming. It's one of my main hobbies and a way to relax and have some fun. I also have learnt a lot of it. Time spent gaming might reduce, but never will quit gaming totally. It's one of my favourite things which I can't give up.
  6. Yarik

    Impact of Marketing Campaigns on Social Media before Political Elections

    RE: Impact of Marketing Campaigns on Social Media before Political Elections Social media has a huge role when campaigns are running. As another people said, the candidates have dedicated teams working to cover everything in the social media that would make the voter give their vote for the...
  7. Yarik

    Can you play FPS on mobile?

    RE: Can you play FPS on mobile? I guess I could play it if I really wanted to. But I prefer playing FPS games on my PC where I can precisely aim with my mouse and move with my keyboard. And also, the screen is way bigger so it's easier to spot enemies.
  8. Yarik


    RE: VPN I currently don't use a VPN but I should get one. It comes handy in certain situations. And it's some sort of protection against tracking even when doing simple daily tasks such as browsing. Privacy nowadays is even harder to keep online.
  9. Yarik

    Do you use a password manager?

    RE: Do you use a password manager? I don't use a password manager. I write all my passwords ona paper notebook which I keep at home. Tho, I remember all the important ones, I gotta look at the notebook for the sites that I rarely use.
  10. Yarik

    CPU temperature?

    RE: CPU temperature? You can download MSI Afterburner with the RivaTuner extension to monitor the temperature of your components in real time. You also can monitor other things, such as usage, FPS, and more. It's a free application to download.
  11. Yarik

    Do you believe in life on other planets?

    RE: Do you believe in life on other planets? I believe there's life outside of Earth. There got to be. It's highly unlogical to think that we're alone and there's no other form of live on other planets. The universe is huge and there got to be civilizations way, way more advanced that us.
  12. Yarik

    Mobile Games

    RE: Mobile Games My favourite mobile games are Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. I've been playing them for many years now. Sometimes I get bored with them, but they constantly add new updates which make the players keep coming back. I recommend those to anyone if they like that type of games.
  13. Yarik

    Have you ever used cheats on an online multiplayer game?

    RE: Have you ever used cheats on an online multiplayer game? I don't use cheating and I never will. I don't believe in such ways of "playing" the game. I rather learn and be a skillful player than be someone who doesn't have any sense about what's going on and ruin the game for others.
  14. Yarik

    If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    RE: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? World isn't only limited to Earth, so I probably would choose another planet that has life. It would be a very interesting journey and you could learn a lot about life. There got to be civilizations much more advanced than us.
  15. Yarik

    Technology in studies, a good idea ?

    RE: Technology in studies, a good idea ? Technology can definitely be helpful when studying. Myself, I use it a lot and have learnt a lot with it. Of course it depends on the student's will and desire to learn. If the person is just lazy, nothing could help him.
  16. Yarik

    What is the most useful app on your phone?

    RE: What is the most useful app on your phone? I probably use the social media apps the most on my phone. Apart from those, I use Chrome a lot and YouTube. Well, those might not be the most useful I got on my phone but for sure are one of the most used ones, at least for now.
  17. Yarik

    Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

    RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ? I'll always go with wired as it just has better performance, less time to register movement. I play competitive games and every second matters there. I also don't seem to get bothered by the cables on the desk.
  18. Yarik

    Other than English, what language do you know or would like to learn?

    RE: Other than English, what language do you know or would like to learn? Thanks for the recommendation! I've heard a lot about this app before and I'll give it a try. It's pretty interesting learning a new language and I could do that anywhere as it's a phone app.
  19. Yarik

    What kind of Phone Do You Have?

    RE: What kind of Phone Do You Have? I have a Xiaomi Redmi 10. It's an Android phone which I bought recently. It's excellent for the price tag. Lasting battery, good camera, it's fast and feels good overall when using it. I also like the display. And the audio as well.
  20. Yarik

    Do you feel humans are too smart for their own good?

    RE: Do you feel humans are too smart for their own good? Humans will eventually cause their own extinction. That's just how the universe works. One species goes away for a new one to come in. Believe it or not, I don't think we're headed in a good direction. But on the other side, if there are...