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  1. R

    What is the most useful app on your phone?

    PayPal  Coinbase  Twitter  TikTok  WhatsApp  Skype  Facebook 
  2. R

    What is the highest you can spend?

    I have in mind to buy iPhone 14 Pro Max. I'm budgeting at least $1500 for my next buy of iPhone 14 Pro Max. 
  3. R

    iOS or Android?

    I use both android and IOS. I have iPhone 13 and Samsung galaxy S22 Ultra. I want to buy iPhone 14 Pro Max soon. 
  4. R

    iPhone 14 soon!

    I'm using iPhone 13. I wish I had iPhone 13 Pro Max, otherwise I wouldn't bother about getting iPhone 14 or 14 Pro Max. 
  5. R

    What’s the role in our life smartphone and mobile?

    I use my smartphone for the following reasons ; 1. For my online work  2. For playing video games  3. For chatting with friends online  4. For checking weather  5.  For my navigation purposes
  6. R

    What was your first mobile device?

    I can't remember the first mobile phone that I used. It's been so long since I used my first mobile phone. I used Nokia XpressMusic years ago. 
  7. R

    Which mobile device is popular at your place?

    Almost everyone in my neighbourhood are making use of iPhone products.  My brother is using iPhone 13 Pro Max. I'm using only iPhone 13. 
  8. R

    How many phones do you make use of?

    I'm using 3 smartphone right now.  1. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra  2. IPhone 13 3. ASUS ROG PHONE 6 
  9. R

    Favourite Android Brand?

    Samsung and iPhone are my favorite brand of smartphone.  It's only Asus ROG Phone 6 that I have which I use for playing video games. 
  10. R

    Avats stuck at 15%

    I have not used AVAST antivirus software. NETQ was an antivirus that I used years ago. I'm not sure if the company is still working. 
  11. R

    What are you favourite luxury items?

    One of my favorite luxury item is a private jet. I'm tired of dealing with airport, so I need my own personal jet. 
  12. R

    Pre Built vs Custom Built

    I would have a custom built PC. It's what I'm using right now and it's serving me more than I ever expected. 
  13. R

    HP Laptops

    My HP laptop isn't giving me any issues at the moment.  But if other users are complaining about it, I might stop buying it next time. 
  14. R

    Your current Phone?

    I'm using two smartphone now. Both of them are Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and ASUS ROG Phone 6. I'm using ASUS ROG for my playing of video games on mobile phone. 
  15. R

    Best gacha games for mobile devices

    I don't think that they made more money than Fortnite for Epic Games. I'm not sure if it made more money than Apex Legends too. 
  16. R

    What's the longest time you've stayed away from playing videogames on mobile?

    I have stayed away from playing video games on my smartphone for 3 months.  It's the longest time that I have stayed away from the gaming. 
  17. R

    What's your favorite mobile game?

    Fortnite  League of Legends  Apex Legends  Overwatch Swing Copters  Brain Out 
  18. R

    Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring?

    I'm playing video games on my Asus ROG Phone 6 and I'm really enjoying it. It's a great smartphone for playing video games and I'm not finding it boring. 
  19. R

    What's the best smartphone for playing games?

    Asus ROG Phone 6 is the best smartphone that I have used for playing video games. I was using Samsung Galaxy Note some years ago before buying ASUS ROG Phone 6.
  20. R

    Which games are you playing on mobile phones now?

    The video game that I'm playing on my mobile phone now is Swing Copters. It's a very interesting video games and I enjoy it so much. 