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  1. R

    What do you do when been stared at?

    I enjoy it. I know that some ladies don't feel comfortable when they are being stared at but it's not me. I love the attention they give me. 
  2. R

    What are your hobbies?

    I love the following hobbies. They are ; 1. Sun bathing  2. Swimming  3. Skating  4. Squatting exercise  5. Hiking 
  3. R

    Do you make use of PayPal?

    I have upgraded from using only personal PayPal account. I now also have a business PayPal too for my business transactions and payments. 
  4. R

    What's your favorite browser?

    This is a very good browser. It's what I'm using on my laptop and I'm enjoying it.  I use Google Chrome on my smartphone but I might start using Microsoft Edge browser on it too. 
  5. R

    What's your best means for travelling?

    As a lady, travelling by air is almost going to be my favourite means of transportation.  It's luxury means of transportation and leisure is part of what I love so much. 
  6. R

    Do you like waist beads?

    I started wearing waist beads recently and I'm loving it.  Although, I don't expose it because it's meant only for my man to see and touch. 
  7. R

    Do you save money at home?

    I always keep small amounts of money at home because it's bad not to have money at home.  But I won't have more than $1000 at home once. 
  8. R

    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    I have started using Netflix and I'm loving it so much. I pay for my Netflix subscription on yearly basis and it's better for me that way. 
  9. R

    Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

    I don't want to experience anything that's related with paranormal because it can be very creepy and frightening. 
  10. R

    Last Book read?

    Bible is a very good book to read. It's a book of wisdom. Everything that's happening in our world today is written in the Bible. 
  11. R

    What are you listening to?

    I enjoyed watching Manchester United match last night and I was very happy.  https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/nQdnzKw6UAs?feature=oembed
  12. R

    What are you listening to?

  13. R

    Last Movie Watched?

    Lesson Plan and Fall are the last two movies that I watched.  I'm yet to watch Black Adam. I have heard that it's very good. I will try and watch it soon. 
  14. R

    How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

    I have not had any experience of such. It's not something that I would like to experience because it will scare me to death. 
  15. R

    Last Show Watched?

    1883 and 1899 are the last two TV show which I watched.  I have completed House of The Dragon and I liked it so much. 
  16. R

    AMD or Nvidia?

    It's the high performance of AMD that makes me prefer it. NVIDIA product is good too but AMD is definitely better by all ramifications. 
  17. R

    What do you hate about your phone?

    My iPhone 13 is very good. Although I know that iPhone 14 Pro Max is better than my iPhone 13 but I have no money for it now. 
  18. R

    iOS or Android?

    I'm using iPhone 13 and Samsung galaxy S22 Ultra. I even have ASUS ROG PHONE 6. Both android and IOS are very good phone brands. 
  19. R

    How often do you get a new phone?

    I have using my iPhone 13 for a while now. There's iPhone 14 Pro Max out already and it's what I'm looking at buying. Maybe by next year, I will buy it. 
  20. R

    What kind of Phone Do You Have?

    I have 3 smartphone now. They are ; 1. ASUS ROG PHONE 6  2.  IPhone 13  3. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 