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  1. Lord Roco

    Pencil strengths

    When you do pencil are, do you use a pencil with the same strength or do you vary the strength of graphite composition as you make various strokes? I was introduced to the idea of pencil graphite strength when I was very young, but for financial reaaons, I chose to stick on with one strength...
  2. Lord Roco

    Plastics Treaty

    The global plastic treaty is now being negotiated to prevent: 1. The developed countries from dumping plastics in developing countries 2. the ill effects of plastics on environment However the regulated treaty is being made tough to negotiate because most developed countries are refusing to...
  3. Lord Roco

    Charger cables

    Most branded mobile phone companies has moved out from the practice of giving cables and adapters to buyers of their mobile phone in the gard of protection of environment by reducing e-waste, but this has not gone well with some countries like Brazil and India. What are your ideas about this...
  4. Lord Roco

    Color schemes

    What are your favourite colors schemes when it comes to forum styling? I always go with blue and white since I think that it is what suits my eyes and it has the ability to project out any other colors in the landscape, including the forums banner, list icons and ranks. What are youre thoughts?
  5. Lord Roco

    Landing pages

    What are your opinion about Landing pages? 10 to 15 years back, its used to be the 'go to' option especially when forums decide to celebrate festivals like Christmas and New Year. However, iwth the onset of the idea of 'simplified' webpages, it has been largely stopped. Would you be...
  6. Lord Roco

    Who likes Communism?

    I think communism should be the base of a country's birth. For example, look at Sri Lanka, when the country wanted to rise again from the ashes of poor financial management where the country went bankrupt, the people has voted for a communist government. However, after the birth, the...
  7. Lord Roco

    What's The Best Games for Beginners?

    I would suggest MarioKart! MarioKart is easy to play and also to understand. Additionally, it generates so much fun when you play it in the multiplayer mode. The game software is easy to download, can be played on a computer and the graphic load isnt very high, so its easily playable for those...
  8. Lord Roco

    Free or Premium Software?

    I actually would go with what @Laifot has mentioned. My favourite forum software (in any category) is phpBB and I dont think I would use anything else on topo of that. However, if forced to take a side on the paid ones, I would go with XenForo over IPB. I love phpBB because 1. Free and...
  9. Lord Roco

    XF saturation

    The issue is that its what they have looked like for the past 10 years and nothing much has changed. However, I should agree that the kind of fine things like moderation, ACP panel, icons on forum lists, sub forums and such items where infact the brainchild of vB.
  10. Lord Roco

    Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

    I loved the show! I have never come across a more nail biting edge seater show even after running into so many seasons. Infact, it was the first show that I watched on an OTT platform. I am a big fan of GoT!
  11. Lord Roco

    AI generated graphics

    I totally agree with this. Adobe suite was too complex for people to remember where each icons are and what needs to be done to get what things done. Now, they have integrated an AI process where the direction can be given by the bot. I like the system because it understands that AI is now...
  12. Lord Roco


    I am a big OPPO fan and I am from India. Four things that I absolutely love about OPPO 1. Minimal glitches like lines on screen and all those 2. Nice battery health with only reasonable degradation of battery capacity as time passes 3. Durable products, good for rough use also 4. Nice service...
  13. Lord Roco

    Sex Education in School

    I think a comprehensive sex education can only be given by the combination of three parties 1. Parents 2. School/qualified teachers/ external agencies 3. Friends It has become the need of the hour because we know about relationships, dates gone wrong, menstrual hygiene, people falling for drugs...
  14. Lord Roco

    Do You Think Atheists Are Bad People

    Why would atheists be bad people? Countless number of studies have shown that while religion has a reinforcing action on moral values, it doesnot form the corner stone of morality. Atheists are just too well informed is what I think. AT the end, how can we trust a religion that has once...
  15. Lord Roco

    The longest book you have ever read?

    The longest book that I have read is a book named 'How Not To Diet' Its written by a lifestyle medicine practitioner, covering in general and in academics terms, how a person should modify his/her diet in order to draw the maximum benefit of food systems that a person indulges in. After...
  16. Lord Roco

    Difference between cartoon and animes

    What is the difference between cartoons and animes? 1. It may be possible that both these are the same and western country has adopted cartoons and eastern countries has adopted the word animes. 2. It can also be possible that both are different, based on the nature of storyboard (from a manga...
  17. Lord Roco

    Game testing

    Gaming for entertainment is one thing, but gaming as a profession is entirely different. I met one game tester and he says that the work is not easy because there are so much provisions to look out for and not just sit and play and share feedback on the experience and user interface. Would you...
  18. Lord Roco

    XF saturation

    Like vBulletin which once stood at the pinnacle of forum management softwares from every conceivable point started declined because they refused to innovate or bring new products into the foray. Today, vBulletin is largely forgotten with most of the backend development being stagnant and not...
  19. Lord Roco

    Faceless content in social media

    Instagram is filled with reels on how 19 year old kids are making lost of money simply by using AI generated content and they are luring people into their classes by giving a headline about making money without revealing their identity. While I am skeptic about such reels, it is an...
  20. Lord Roco

    Issues with AI

    AI protocols are now over the place, bringing with it some really big issues also. Recently, Google unveiled a algorithm to check for child abuse from photos that we upload to Google Photos feature. Recently, a techie was locked out of his Google Account after he uploaded a picture of his naked...