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  1. JoyFreak

    PUBG Mobile is boring, in'nit?

    RE: PUBG Mobile is boring, in'nit? TBH. I find PUBG, Fortnite and all those kind of games boring. I get why they are popular though, it's this generation. These kids love a good battle royale game!
  2. JoyFreak

    Anyone here play Banjo-Kazooie?

    I remember playing it on the Nintendo 64 (back in the 90s). It was as good as Mario! Anyway, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone still play it?
  3. JoyFreak

    Anyone here play Ice Hockey?

    I've always wanted to try it. We actually have a rank here, but it's a little far out for me to get to. But I can imagine they have many in the U.S.! Do you play it?
  4. JoyFreak

    Favorite President of All Time?

    RE: Favorite President of All Time? Barack Obama was probably my favorite of all time. He was so cool and chill, pretty trendy as well for a president.
  5. JoyFreak

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7sllUioMHJY?feature=oembed
  6. JoyFreak

    Interesting Article about Porn Star Sasha Grey from 2011. She Also Now is on Twitch

    RE: Interesting Article about Porn Star Sasha Grey from 2011. She Also Now is on Twitch RE: Interesting Article about Porn Star Sasha Grey from 2011. She Also Now is on Twitch It may not sit well though if any kids did a Google search of Sasha Grey, and found out what she did for a career...
  7. JoyFreak

    Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :)

    RE: Talk about someone you love. It doesn't have to be a significant other :) I love my family, they mean the world to me! I don't know what I'd do without them seriously. They hold me up and keep me sane! Love them xoxoxo
  8. JoyFreak


    RE: Tetris It's OK. I don't really enjoy those kind of games but there was on Tetris game on my iPhone that I was kind of addicted to. It was under a different name and had some amazing perks!
  9. JoyFreak

    Hate when people act big on the internet?

    RE: Hate when people act big on the internet? I think it's proper cringe when they do. It's not like they can launch a fist at you through the screen. But yeah I must agree though, sounds like a lyric or something!
  10. JoyFreak

    Hello all xD

    Hello all xD
  11. JoyFreak

    Anyone heard Rina Sawayama?

    She sounds A LOT like Britney Spears. I like her new single from her new album Xs. Check it out! https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TO2c06p6m5w?feature=oembed
  12. JoyFreak

    Tigertail on Netflix

    RE: Tigertail on Netflix It came out on my birthday and so I gave it a shot. It was actually pretty good. Really worth it. I would highly recommend it!
  13. JoyFreak

    Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies?

    RE: Who do you think is the United States top 2 enemies? China and possibly Japan. I think they've been in war for some time now right? With them developing nuclear bomb and going against Trump's will is going to turn heads for sure!
  14. JoyFreak

    What would you name your own news channel?

    RE: What would you name your own news channel? I would call it JoyFreak News and it will be able gaming and such. I could also venture into technology news as well as films/movies. I think have a broad selection is good for news outlets.
  15. JoyFreak

    Have you read the Harry Potter series?

    RE: Have you read the Harry Potter series? I actually have the books and love the movies! I just never got round to actually finshing it off. The books were HUGE and after watching the movies first, it kind of put me off. But might as well dust them off and read during isolation!
  16. JoyFreak

    Who here likes Billie Eilish?

    I'm really into her music. She's fantastic and some of her music is relatable. I can imagine it being relatable to most teens Check out some here music videos below: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pbMwTqkKSps?feature=oembed
  17. JoyFreak

    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    I prefer Netflix as it has way MORE choices but Prime has some good originals too. How about you?
  18. JoyFreak

    PS5 or Xbox Series X?

    Which of the two will you be buying? Or will you be getting both at some point? For me, it has to be PS5, I've been a Sony user since day one. The controller I'm very much used to it and every else too. Xbox/Microsoft hasn't been my most favourite. How about you?
  19. JoyFreak


    Does anyone still use delphi for programming? I know it used to be amazing in it's prime days and since then we've seen the rise of better programming languages. Curious to know if anyone still uses delphi and why when there's so much modern languages like C++. Delphi was difficult to write in.
  20. JoyFreak

    Pre Built vs Custom Built

    So who prefers to build their own PC or do you prefer to just buy a premade one? I watched this video and found it interesting how people can make their own PC specifications etc. Here's the video: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5CeL5Syx3Co?feature=oembed