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  1. C

    Do you use a password manager?

    RE: Do you use a password manager? Yes, I use LastPass all the time. Stores all my passwords and creates nice secure new passwords when needed.
  2. C

    ExpiredDomains.net - The best source for high quality domains for cheap

    RE: ExpiredDomains.net - The best source for high quality domains for cheap Interesting ide, will take a look and see what’s availabl.
  3. C

    What size monitor?

    RE: What size monitor? At work I have 2 24inch Dell. O irons, home use I have a 34inch ultrawide
  4. C

    What Antivirus/Spyware Remover Do You Use?

    RE: What Antivirus/Spyware Remover Do You Use? Been using ESET for the last few years, no issues with it so far.
  5. C


    RE: Shower Shower every day, much prefer it over a bath.
  6. C

    What's your Internet Speed?

    RE: What's your Internet Speed? One at the moment http://
  7. C


    RE: VPN I currently use Surf shark, mainly when using torrents or on my mobile phone.
  8. C

    Browser Extensions

    RE: Browser Extensions Only one I really use is LastPass, easy way of creating unique passwords for all sites.
  9. C

    How many bookmarks do you have?

    RE: How many bookmarks do you have? Never really count them but over 100, probably a lot of duplicates
  10. C

    Sites back online. I wanted us to get the entire 2.2.x experience and Preparing for Heavy Traffic.

    Looks really good, well Done. I use Pixelexit for themes all the time, great support
  11. C

    Nature walks

    RE: Nature walks Would y say I’m a nature lover but do have an ancient woodland on my doorstep, its about a minutes walk from the house. Spent many hours walking round it over thee years.
  12. C

    I am proud to announce we have upgraded Xenforo to 2.2.3 Finally. Couldn't have worked out more perf

    Nice work on the update. Prefer the dark version for this style, looks good.
  13. C

    Official Post Your Steam ID Thread

    RE: Official Post Your Steam ID Thread Don't use Steam much, hopefully will change when I get a new PC http://[/url]https://steamcommunity.com/id/CreakyPuppet
  14. C

    Brave Browser

    RE: Brave Browser Never used it but have heard of it, been using Chrome for a long time now.
  15. C

    Upload schedule

    RE: Upload schedule As and when really, probably why only have a few subscribers. Need to try and post more content and more often.
  16. C

    Worn out custom machines

    RE: Worn out custom machines Most parts get kept, never know what you may need in the future. All hard drives are formatted and re-used in some way.
  17. C

    I'm proud to announce... something pleasing to the eye (custom theme)

    New theme looks good, great job
  18. C

    Do you drink alcohol?

    RE: Do you drink alcohol? Yes but not very often these days, couple of times a month if that
  19. C

    AMD or Nvidia?

    RE: AMD or Nvidia? Using Intel at the moment, next build will be AMD though.
  20. C

    Yearly or Monthly subscriptions

    RE: Yearly or Monthly subscriptions Normally go for yearly subscription, pay the bill in one go and don't have to worry about finding the cash each month.