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  1. N

    A Couple Days Ago Marked 1 Year for MindPiff.com

    Absolutely, and it's very humbling to feel that I'm able to make valued contributions by being a part of it.. :giggle:
  2. N

    my first goal for mind piff

    One down, three to go.. :cool: I'd say MindPiff is quite capable of reaching 200 members before we hit the other two goals.
  3. N

    Identities Added

    I've just changed my account to be more "personal" and have added my various identities. I'm happy for anyone from MindPiff to add me on any of them.. :)
  4. N

    Just purchased an icon pack with almost 1,000 possible award images ready to setup for Mind Piff

    Correct, I do! They feel much cleaner and more in keeping with the overall forum design.. :coffee:
  5. N

    Just purchased an icon pack with almost 1,000 possible award images ready to setup for Mind Piff

    I didn't want to say, but I wasn't a fan of the retro looking set (sorry 1@Andox88[/uSER]!). I'll have to check out Flat Icon myself from the sound of things.. :giggle: