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  1. Z

    RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES?

    RE: RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES? I also have a GTX960. And a 550 mb/s Samsung SSD and 32GB ram. I've had no issues gaming so far....
  2. Z

    What's your favorite PC Game of All Time

    RE: What's your favorite PC Game of All Time hehehe Okay. :D
  3. Z

    Free or Premium Software?

    RE: Free or Premium Software? I go with paid software almost exclusively. I know what you mean about plugins tho. Typically, my members donate to pay for extra stuff,
  4. Z

    Series X or PS5?

    RE: Series X or PS5? Cool, right on.
  5. Z

    What's your favorite PC Game of All Time

    RE: What's your favorite PC Game of All Time Have you looked at Simcity 5? It's way better, possibly the best city builder ever IMO.
  6. Z

    What's Your Favorite Mobile Games?

    RE: What's Your Favorite Mobile Games? I did play EVE Echoes on a tablet but it ended up being where I couldn't progress without spending real money. :(
  7. Z

    RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES?

    RE: RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES? I have an 8 core AMD 8150FX @ 4.15 gigahertz :)
  8. Z

    Games that are hard and tough to play

    RE: Games that are hard and tough to play My g/f and I also never completed GTA San Andreas despite intense efforts. So we decided to use God mode where you could only die from a fall and took turns fighting the police. I have very fond memories of that, :)
  9. Z

    Phone VS PC

    RE: Phone VS PC I check my FB and e-mail with my phone. And play music in my truck off my other phone via Amazon Music app.
  10. Z

    Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get?

    RE: Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get? Reminds me of the "Ancient Aliens" theory....
  11. Z

    RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES?

    RE: RTX 3000 OR AMD 6000 SERIES? I'll probably upgrade the video card next year. First thing is a 2TB SSD. :)
  12. Z


    RE: vBulletin Once the year is up it's still yours. You just can't upgrade or get support (unless via their community forum). But you definitely do NOT have to pay just to use it.
  13. Z

    Other options to Wordpress?

    RE: Other options to Wordpress? Wordpress is certainly easy to use, being where you can use it via cloud, or install on your server. But I've never had luck with a blog. I'm more into forums and social sites.
  14. Z

    Favorite Windows

    RE: Favorite Windows I've used every Windows except 8. 10 is still my fav! :)
  15. Z

    Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get?

    RE: Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get? I think technology is reaching critical mass and we'll experience a huge failure at some point, sending us back to the dark ages. Hopefully not in my life tine tho.
  16. Z

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older? Agreed. My g/f's mother is physically disabled and we have to help her a lot just to walk. It saddens me, and she's only in her 60's. :(
  17. Z

    Anyone take cold showers?

    RE: Anyone take cold showers? Even when it's hot out, we usually have some sort of A/C going so still no need for an actual cold shower for me. hheheheeh
  18. Z

    Do you smoke?

    RE: Do you smoke? I can dig that.
  19. Z

    What's your Internet Speed?

    RE: What's your Internet Speed? http://
  20. Z

    Favorite car

    RE: Favorite car This: [ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]