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    RE: PEWDIEPIE LOST HIS NUMBER 1 SPOT!? thats the whole joke, their millions of subs arnt real lol. they are bots subbing to them which is why the "war between tsieres and pewdiepie" has become such a meme.
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    As im sure alot of you know about the war between pewdiepie and tsieres, pewdiepie was actually pass in subscribers for about 10 minutes! Then elon musk hosted meme review and got him like another 100k but would you consider this a loss on pewdiepies part or just a funny thing that happened...
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    Are We Real?

    RE: Are We Real? There is a whole theory about this. I dont remember the name off the top of my head and personally im too lazy today to look anything up. But pretty much what this theory is, is that we are actually living in a computer simulation and nothing we do is real. Theorize a giant...
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    3D Printing

    RE: 3D Printing ive been trying to learn 3d design for the past week now actually :)
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    3D Printing

    RE: 3D Printing im using a tevo tornado 2018 edition. it is basically a ripoff of one of the most popular 3d printers the cr-10 but its better in alot of ways. plus the cr-10 comes in a box of parts and the tevo tornado comes 80% assembled. as for how long did it take to print stuff, well thats...
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    RE: Arduino actually i dont know on that funny enough. CallForDiscord depending on what printer you are trying to set up though you can probably find a facebook group for said printer. most 3d printing companies have horrible customer service and rely on the facebook groups. personally me being...
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    3D Printing

    RE: 3D Printing actually downloaded it for free
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    Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop

    RE: Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop yeah id definitely try pixlar first before you spend money on photoshop. i hate gimp it sucks in my opinion. you arnt as free in gimp.
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    Revers Greenhouse Effect

    RE: Revers Greenhouse Effect It is actually very possible for yellow stone to blow in our life times. starting 8 years ago yellow stone is on schedule to erupt at any point. i dont know the exact numbers but think of it as birthdays. Yellow stones super volcano has birthdays and on its...
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    Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop

    RE: Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop Yeah pixlar is extremely similar to photo shop except it's a browser tool. Any Photoshop work I do in there
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    Revers Greenhouse Effect

    RE: Revers Greenhouse Effect Personally I think that the world ending to climate change will not be because of global warming but instead be devastated by Yellowstone erupting and casting a dark cloud over most of the planet for years to come. Even if it didn't reach the other side of the...
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    3D Printing

    RE: 3D Printing the tentacle is a kickstand for my phone, the trex is just a flexible toy trex, and the things that im guessing to think are candle holders are half of a chess set
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    3D Printing

    RE: 3D Printing I've printed a few different Pokemon too aswell as other miscellaneous figures that I thought would be cool to paint at some point.
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    Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop

    RE: Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop Ive used inkscape for a couple different CNC jobs, when i wanna photoshop though i use pixlar because it free and is basically the same as photoshop. if you are doing professional drawing or something like that then id recommend...
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    3D Printing

    Hey so i got into 3D printing about a week ago, and have been printing non stop ever since i got my printer and built it. Anyone else do any 3D printing? If post some pictures of your prints, id love to see em!
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    Revers Greenhouse Effect

    In a few decades our climate may just go completely mental. Temperatures might rise rapidly, melting the ice caps, turning our planet’s climate into something comparable to that of Venus’. We all know about global warming; for the past 10 years you haven’t been able to open a newspaper without...
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    Pirate or Ninja?

    RE: Pirate or Ninja? This is one of the oldest internet arguments and i gotta say i choose ninja because im considering stereotypical sea barring pirates. With that in mind i would have to choose ninjas because im not fan of the water, plus ninjas are just badass.
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    What could be lying in the Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the Ocean?

    RE: What could be lying in the Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the Ocean? technically speaking anything could be found down there, unspeakable amounts of gold, aliens, a megaladon! Realistically speaking though there is probably not much aside from some deep see organisms. BuT THerE CouLD...
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    Your favorite character/s?

    RE: Your favorite character/s? Not sure if it has to be anime or not sooo...... Master chief, Cortana, Crash bandicoot, Doom guy, and last has gotta be the nameless king boss from dark souls 3.
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    PC TEMP.

    RE: PC TEMP. I dont know much about laptops since ive always used a tower. i had a laptop for like a year but didnt like it