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  1. Anachiwo

    Which Nintendo console you played before getting Nintendo Switch?

    RE: Which Nintendo console you played before getting Nintendo Switch? If you have any interest in getting a Gameboy, I saw a few good one's on ebay. They weren't too expensive. Let me see if I can get the link for the listing.
  2. Anachiwo

    Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite

    RE: Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite It's not safe to be playing on the console when it's having that kind of issue. It might blow up in your face or something bad happen. You can never be too careful.
  3. Anachiwo

    What's your most embarrassing experience?

    Why are some ladies in too much haste to react without making sure that they are with all the facts. I gave it to her back without holding back.
  4. Anachiwo

    Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

    RE: Free or Paid Games on smartphone? Fortnite is among my best games on mobile phones. Epic Games can be very sneaky with their use of microtransactions in the game. There are tons of skins in the game.
  5. Anachiwo

    What's your favorite mobile game?

    RE: What's your favorite mobile game? You never played Zuma? It's an absolute blast if you love some kind of bubble shooting and puzzle. You should probably have it checked out.
  6. Anachiwo

    What's your favorite online Playstation games?

    RE: What's your favorite online Playstation games? League of Legends is my least favourite of the games the way I listed them out. But it's enough to be considered good to make my list choice.
  7. Anachiwo

    What's your favorite game on Nintendo Switch?

    RE: What's your favorite game on Nintendo Switch? I have played Animal Crossing : New Horizons too and it's a good game that allows you to simulate a lot of things. I love the fighting and combat system in Hades. You should have played it I suppose?
  8. Anachiwo

    Which games are you playing on mobile phones now?

    RE: Which games are you playing on mobile phones now? Angry Birds is fun loaded game. There's no part in the game that's not enjoyable. If they have it on consoles, I would be interested in playing it on consoles.
  9. Anachiwo

    Did any game made you choose having Xbox console?

    RE: Did any game made you choose having Xbox console? Halo franchise is unbelievable. Microsoft almost screwed with the game but they got it right back on track. Till now, they have done justice to the game. I will be playing Halo Infinite tonight.
  10. Anachiwo

    Which Xbox console did you skip?

    RE: Which Xbox console did you skip? Nintendo Switch is an interesting console. Nintendo did an excellent job with the development of the console. How much did you purchase your new Switch?
  11. Anachiwo

    Best selling Xbox Consoles?

    RE: Best selling Xbox Consoles? It's a very long climb back up for the Series X to reach the record set by Xbox 360. I would like it to get there but it's looking unlikely.
  12. Anachiwo

    Xbox Series X or S?

    RE: Xbox Series X or S? It is already among my my plans and I'm trying to source the funds that's needed for me to make the purchase. If the money becomes available sooner, I will be getting it.
  13. Anachiwo

    Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers?

    RE: Do you consider buying PS5 from Scalpers? It's nonsense trying to purchase anything from scalpers. They ruin the market law of demand and supply with their weird access to consoles when they are not supposed to be available in the market. How do they get it?
  14. Anachiwo

    What's your favorite browser?

    RE: What's your favorite browser? I downloaded PUMA browser recently and it seems like it's good one too. I'm still checking it out and within the next few days, I will draw my conclusion on it.
  15. Anachiwo

    What do you use for Logos?

    RE: What do you use for Logos? Adobe Illustrator is what a friend of mine told me that he's been working with for a very long time now and it's good according to him. I'm making use of Canva and Logo maker.
  16. Anachiwo

    Favorite YouTuber?

    RE: Favorite YouTuber? PewDiePie is my favourite YouTuber as we speak. His YouTube contents have always been amazing. I can't go a day without visiting his YouTube channel.
  17. Anachiwo

    iOS or Android?

    RE: iOS or Android? I have been using android device all my life. It's why getting Apple phone is very difficult for me to do. Also, Apple smartphones are very expensive. Look at how much they are selling iPhone 13 Pro Max now, I can't afford it. ?????? ????
  18. Anachiwo

    What is the highest you can spend?

    RE: What is the highest you can spend? My current mobile device is cost $200. I'm thrilled with the device for now but I'm looking at purchasing S22 Ultra next. It should be at least around $500 or more by now.
  19. Anachiwo

    What's your most hated mobile phone game?

    RE: What's your most hated mobile phone game? I find any video game that's too repetitive in terms of its gameplay annoyingly impossible for me to play. For example, it's why I don't like playing Red Dead Online.
  20. Anachiwo

    Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring?

    RE: Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring? My mood decides the kind of game that I'm going to be playing. If I'm looking for a game to light up my mood, it's never going to be a boring game. I don't see any platform games as boring, it depends on what the gamer wants to play.