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  1. Anachiwo

    Do you buy games every year?

    RE: Do you buy games every year? Can it be possible for a gamer not to buy any game once in a year? I find that hard to believe. I buy at least 2 games in a year. There are so many games to miss out on in year if you don't buy.
  2. Anachiwo

    How many games do you play at once?

    RE: How many games do you play at once? Usually I play more than 3 games at once but I discovered that it makes me not focus on the games very well. Now, I only play 2 games max at once.
  3. Anachiwo

    Favorite car racing game?

    RE: Favorite car racing game? I have never seen racing games that appeals to me like Gran Turismo. Gran Turismo 7 is my best racing game now. Forza Horizon series is good.
  4. Anachiwo

    Favorite video games adaptations?

    RE: Favorite video games adaptations? The Punisher and Game of Thrones are good video games adaptations. The movies are very good too and the same thing can be said about the game.
  5. Anachiwo

    Ads in free games

    RE: Ads in free games This is one of the reasons why I have no intention of playing free games often. I play them once in a while and the ads can be annoying.
  6. Anachiwo

    Best games for partners to play?

    RE: Best games for partners to play? I have heard about Overcooked but I haven't played it. My favourite game with my partner is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. We have played Strawdy Valley too together and it's good as well.
  7. Anachiwo

    How old to start playing games?

    RE: How old to start playing games? A kid can start playing games at the age of 4 but the most important thing is to make sure that it's a game that's good for kids. I started playing at the age of 7.
  8. Anachiwo

    Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

    RE: Can you let your kids play Battle Royale? Shooting games shouldn't be allowed for kids. Games of intense violence does them more harm than good. They need to get to a certain age before being allowed to play such games.
  9. Anachiwo

    Do you play NFT games?

    RE: Do you play NFT games? I distance myself from anything that's related to NFTs in video games. I invest in cryptocurrency but not interested in NFTs. It's an indirect way to scam people.
  10. Anachiwo

    Which movie did you watch last?

    RE: Which movie did you watch last? I watched a vampire movie called The Priest last. It was an interesting movie that have connection to the church.
  11. Anachiwo

    Do you smoke?

    RE: Do you smoke? Smoking isn't for me. I don't see the benefits that comes from smoking which is why I don't consider smoking at all.
  12. Anachiwo

    Free WiFi?

    RE: Free WiFi? There's nothing free in my country. We pay for every thing in my country and internet data is costly here too.
  13. Anachiwo

    What's your favorite movie of all time?

    RE: What's your favorite movie of all time? I love The Legend of the Seeker, Merlin, Teen Wolf, The Originals, True Blood, Vampire Diaries and SEAL Team.
  14. Anachiwo

    Do you like waist beads?

    RE: Do you like waist beads? I love her flat stomach. Most ladies I have seen used to have big belly. The waist beads looks good on her. I like it too.
  15. Anachiwo

    What's your best means for travelling?

    RE: What's your best means for travelling? Train will always be my best means of travelling. It's fast, strong and reliable. If I don't have access to train, I will use car.
  16. Anachiwo

    Do you like subtitles?

    RE: Do you like subtitles? I like using subtitles in the movies that I watch. If I miss out on the conversation, it helps me to keep up. It makes it easy for me to to pick up new vocabulary.
  17. Anachiwo

    Which Xbox console did you skip?

    RE: Which Xbox console did you skip? Xbox Series X is a better upgrade. The storage capacity is bigger than Series S. It's like having a smartphone with 64GB and 128GB. Which one is better?
  18. Anachiwo

    Sony being sued for $5.91 billon

    RE: Sony being sued for $5.91 billon All gaming companies have their commission charged on their games. Microsoft does it, Epic games and Sony. I don't see much wrong in what Sony did.
  19. Anachiwo

    What's the oldest Playstation console you own?

    RE: What's the oldest Playstation console you own? It felt as if Playstation 3 never reached gamers expectations. Sony knows that too and it's why they did great with developing Playstation 4.
  20. Anachiwo

    What games do you like playing on Playstation?

    RE: What games do you like playing on Playstation? PES is old. FIFA is far more better than. Even though it's copy from the previous seasons that they keep repeating.