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  1. M

    Poll. Yes or No to the paranormal

    There's no understanding death from the way I see it. Death is Death.
  2. M

    Last Book read?

    It's one of the first book I read in my late teenage years. The book is worth a read.
  3. M

    What are you listening to?

    Was this in the Equalizer? https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3TE8E_m0hpQ?feature=oembed
  4. M

    Last Show Watched?

    Yes, it's on Amazon Prime but if you have cracked Netflix, you can watch it on it too.
  5. M

    Last Movie Watched?

    I watched Snow Piercer yesterday and it was good.
  6. M

    How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

    Damn. This sounds very scarey. I won't be able to enter that kind of house in my life again.
  7. M

    What's your morning routine?

    This sounds very funny. A man was buried in his car in my community last year. He asked for that to be done for him.
  8. M

    What's your morning routine?

    I hope that one day, I would be able to beat the addiction of waking up to my smartphone first thing
  9. M

    What's your best means for travelling?

    Even if it becomes so expensive, we don't have any choice but to pay and use it. We can't walk to everywhere we are going right?
  10. M

    Do you like subtitles?

    Yes, they help you to focus more on the movie since your eyes would be glued on the TV in order to read them.
  11. M

    How do you handle rejection?

    The best way to handle rejection is moving on and removing the person from your life completely. I know that it's a painful feeling but you have to move on.
  12. M

    Are you afraid of getting old?

    Getting old doesn't fright me in any way. In fact, I'm looking forward to getting old to see how I'm going to be.
  13. M

    True love or 10 million dollars?

    Love is completely useless to me. I would have the 10 million dollars. It will buy me all the happiness I want in this damn world.
  14. M

    Do you prefer sleeping on the mat?

    Why I hate sleeping in the mat so much is because it makes my whole body ache whenever I slept in it.
  15. M

    Favorite websites?

    You're going to get addicted to masturbation once you keep using Pornhub. It's why I don't go to porn sites.
  16. M

    Experience with a bad teacher?

    I never had any bad experience with my teachers. All of them knew exactly how to do their job back in the days in school.
  17. M

    Favorite Music Apps?

    I make use of Spotify and Boom player. I have used YouTube music but I don't like it that much like I do Spotify.
  18. M

    What's romantic?

    Most ladies don't want to hear that from you. When you don't have money, you're almost useless to most of them. As a man, always make sure you have money.
  19. M


    You're right about that of course. Being wealthy is also all about having lot of money and assets!
  20. M

    24 hour time versus 12 hour time.

    12 hours time format is more easy to use. If 24 hours time format isn't something you're used to, 12 hours will make it very easy for you.