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  1. S

    Do you have any pets?

    Yes, I have a pet. I have cats and dogs too. It's a cat I inherited from my grandma.
  2. S

    No Internet! Ohh God. Bored!

    Maybe it's a good way for me to take my eyes off the phone screen or laptop screen and have my eyes rested.
  3. S

    What did you have for dinner?

    I had white rice and sauce for dinner. I used orange juice to wash it down.
  4. S

    Photo Editing Software

    Photoshop is the only editing software that I know how to use.
  5. S

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    I can't picture myself walking with a supporting stick because of old age. It's one of my biggest fears.
  6. S

    True love or 10 million dollars?

    Only a stupid man will choose love over 10 million dollars. The true love you chosen will end up leaving you for who's got 10 million dollars.
  7. S

    Favorite websites?

    TikTok is my website currently. It's trending so much now. Everyone I know now makes use of TikTok.
  8. S

    Do you prefer sleeping on the mat?

    I don't like sleeping on the mat. I used to sleep on it as a kid but can't do that again.
  9. S

    How do you handle rejection?

    There's some other person out there who wants you so badly. Look for that person and be loved so much.
  10. S

    Do you prefer to see movies in a theatre or at home? What makes you choose one option over the other

    I feel more relaxed at home watching all manner of movies and TV shows. It's why I like staying at home.
  11. S

    If you are a horror fan, What is one of your fav slasher movies and why?

    Jeppers Creepers is my favourite kind of such movies. I have not watched the new one that came out.
  12. S

    Favorite TV Shows?

    Designated Survivor 24 Merlin The Witcher Walking Dead Game of Thrones I'm still watching House of The Dragon.
  13. S

    What movie kept you up the rest of the night?

    No movie is capable of doing anything like that to me. Unless I'm not feeling sleepy, that's when I will be wake watching.
  14. S

    Game of thrones should have had a better ending.

    After her destruction of King's Landing and killing millions of people, she should rule over what? Ashes?
  15. S

    Your favorite Movies?

    I enjoyed watching the first Black Panther so much. It's why I find it very difficult to understand the rubbish they did in Wakanda Forever.
  16. S

    Do people still believe in astrology?

    If I'm the superstitious kind of person, it's something that I would believe in but unfortunately I'm not. I believe in working hard and see the proof.
  17. S

    What is your favorite comedian movie?

    Rush Hour is one movie that's got both action and comedy in a way that I liked it. Jackie Chan and Chris Rock made it fun.
  18. S

    How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

    That serves him right. I would have loved for the bees to stung him till he dies.
  19. S

    Last Movie Watched?

    I visited my friend Mark this morning and he was watching Project Gemini. I ended up watching it with him.
  20. S

    Last Show Watched?

    I started watching Tulsa King last night. One of my favorite actors starred in it and he's Sylvester Stallone aka John Rambo.