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  1. Drek

    Anybody got any "good" elevator jokes?

    The kind of joke you say to a stranger in that one awkward elevator. Yes, that elevator. You know which one i'm talking about. I have nothing to say here, so i'm going to say that I have nothing more to say here. I have nothing more to say here.
  2. Drek

    A Challenger Has Appeared...

    Wow. You nailed that intro, tbh.
  3. Drek

    Google says so, anyways.

    Google says so, anyways.
  4. Drek

    It's a school, apparently.

    It's a school, apparently.
  5. Drek

    Is that a heh heh or a hee hee?

    Is that a heh heh or a hee hee?
  6. Drek


  7. Drek

    PUBG Mobile is boring, in'nit?

    RE: PUBG Mobile is boring, in'nit? Nah, just the mobile version of PUBG in particular. I like alot of other games similar to it.
  8. Drek

    PUBG Mobile is boring, in'nit?

    Does anybody else think this? Just me? Ok.
  9. Drek

    Community Religion List

    RE: Community Religion List Christian.
  10. Drek

