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    RE: PS5 Yeah I'm pretty hyped even though I hate that it isnt fully backward compatable :(
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    Favorite childhood game

    This seems an appropriate place for this. What is your favorite childhood game?
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    What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube?

    RE: What kind of stuff do you guys watch on YouTube? I watch a lot of history stuff such as extra credits. :)
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    my first goal for mind piff

    In this day in age especially it's imperative to help this to grow! (y)
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    Last post wins!

    Looks like I win
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    my first goal for mind piff

    Nice. I have the same goal for my forum. I hope to help get you to that point.
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    Xenforo too expensive?

    RE: Xenforo too expensive? I will admit that yes it is expensive.On top of the software hosting, domain and renewal fees, many addons are charged for. I don't have any problem with that and its good to see coders get compensated but it can add up. Especially if you add on branding removal costs.
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    Star Wars

    So all what is your favorite star wars game? Mine is Jedi Academy on PC.
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    Game you really want to play from the retro days?

    RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days? The moment I saw this! The warriors is an awesome game! Totally worth it if you can get a copy!
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    This is probably a shot in the dark but has anyonr here tried TrueBasic? I used to take a class on it back in high school and wonder how widely practiced it is.
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    Anyone hates IPB?

    RE: Anyone hates IPB? I don't really know why anyone would talk crap on MyBB. It might not be the best free software (IMO thats PunBB) but its not BAD.
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    I would appreciate that! It could help a lot.I might add an affiliate section so I can add this and a few other sites! Great job on yhis project! (y)
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    Thanks! I set my signature up a couple minutes ago.
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    Anyone hates IPB?

    RE: Anyone hates IPB? Phpbb is honestly pretty crap imo. Its hideously ugly, the control panel is messy, its clunky and its pretty insecure.
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    Anyone hates IPB?

    RE: Anyone hates IPB? IPB is one of the best pieces of premium forum software. Ifs powerful and has many features that even Xenforo doesn't have out of the box like groups. I would say phpbb is the worst free and idl for premium.
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    Yeah I can tell! This site looks good. I messaged silver to ask if I can link my forum in my signature haha.
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    Thanks! I plan to! I really dig this. It gives off kind of a mid to late 2000s professional kind of feel!
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    So I was linked to this site by 1@Laifot[/uSER] aftee he foubd MY forum and I figured I would stop in and say hi and probably post as regularly as I can.
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    Thanks! I look forward to hanging around here!

    Thanks! I look forward to hanging around here!