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  1. R

    YouTube or Twitch for game's streaming?

    Do you have any long term plans for the YouTube channel? Would you be having it monetized in the future?
  2. R

    Apex Legends

    League of Legends is very low on my playing order. I can't remember the last time I played it since I started paying Apex Legends and Fortnite.
  3. R

    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

    I liked playing Assassin's Creed Revelation too. It's a very good release when it came out.
  4. R

    Elder Scroll Online

    I have been looking for another good online game to play for a while now. I'm happy seeing this Elder Scrolls Online is good and it's Skyrim related. I'm going to play it soon.
  5. R

    What VR Headset to choose?!

    How good is this Samsung Gear VR Headset? I have been using Samsung products for years and their products are good.
  6. R

    Do you pre order games?

    If the games are worth buying on pre order, it's good. Take for instance, buying God of War Ragnarok in pre order is good.
  7. R

    When do you play your games?

    Most of the time during weekend, I'm also free to play all the games that I need to play. It's weekend, so a good time to rest and enjoy.
  8. R

    How often do you clean your console?

    If you're not using it very often, just cover it up. It will prevent dust from getting into it. I do it with my console now.
  9. R

    Playstation or Xbox?

    Till date, I have never owned any Xbox console except for Nintendo Switch. Playstation console have been my favourite console and I'm very happy with it.
  10. R

    What's the most disappointing game you've played?

    Battlefield 2042 was so bad that the company even admitted to it. They apologised to their fans for developing such a poor game.
  11. R

    Are you a completionist?

    I have completed some of the video games that I have played but that doesn't make me a completionist. I don't put much of my mind into it.
  12. R

    Online or offline games?

    Playing offline and online games is very sweet for me. I play both of the games based on what I feel like playing.
  13. R

    How much do you spend on games?

    I spend about $300 on games every year. It was only in 2018 that I spent $400 on my games which was only once.
  14. R

    Do you think it's time for a The last of us part three?

    If they end up making the game, I would play it because of how good The Last Of Us Part II was. Naughty Dogs put more efforts in the game.
  15. R

    Do you pre order games?

    You get games cheaper whenever you purchase the games on pre order. It's why a lot of people are interested in buying on pre order.
  16. R

    When do you play your games?

    I found it very difficult sleep this night and it was why I had to play Call of Duty Vanguard not long ago but I'm tired now, so I can't continue.
  17. R

    Last Game Played?

    Call of Duty Vanguard was the last game I played. It was even few hours ago I stopped playing this night.
  18. R

    What console do you use?

    I'm still playing on the following console's. 1. PS 4 2. Xbox Series X 3. Nintendo Switch I still have some of my old classic consoles but I don't play on them again.
  19. R

    Apex Legends

    I used to play Fortnite more than I do with playing Apex Legends until my brother's happened. They got me so hooked up with playing Apex Legends that I even forgot Fortnite even exists. It's a very good game.
  20. R

    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

    I have been a very good fan of the Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Game's franchise for a very long time. Their new game which I'm looking forward to playing when it's released is Assassin's Creed Mirage.