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  1. Soulwatcher

    What do you do?

    I go on YouTube to look up music videos for my website. I used to go on there for gaming news, but I sold my PS5 and Xbox Series X and have no need for gaming news.
  2. Soulwatcher

    Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

    I always go for free games, I just don't see the point of paying for a game when there are so many free games on Android.
  3. Soulwatcher

    Do you have any pets?

    I have to cats named Alice and Missy. Alice is 13 years old and Missy is 6 years old. Both girls are good girls and I love them so much.
  4. Soulwatcher

    What’s your main app for music?

    I use Amazon Music while I am working on my website. I also use it when I am browsing and posting on my favorite forums.
  5. Soulwatcher

    Xbox or Playstation

    If I had to pick between the two I would definitely pick PS5. Although I used to have a Xbox Series X and a PS5. But I sold them both because I was playing video games 70+ hours a week and that's totally unhealthy. So the Xbox Series X and PS5 has to go.
  6. Soulwatcher

    Last Show Watched?

    The last show I watched was 48 Hours and it's a show about real life murders and the police solving the cases. it's very addicting I could watch it all day. But I really don't watch that much TV.
  7. Soulwatcher

    Do you make your own themes?

    I bought my theme, I don't have the skill or knowledge to make my own theme. And to be honest I am not even going to try to learn because themes are so cheap that it makes it not worth it.
  8. Soulwatcher

    Official post your Xbox Live, PSN, or Nintendo Friend Code Thread

    Xbox: Soulwatcher PSN: Soulwatcher Steam: Soulwatcher
  9. Soulwatcher

    Buy games day one or wait for steam sales?

    It depends on what the game is. If it's a Bethesda game definitely day one. Pretty much everything else I can wait for Steam sales. Because I don't like paying full price for games.
  10. Soulwatcher

    How much do you spend on games?

    I used to spend about $100~$200+ a year depending on what games were coming out. How ever for now I quit playing video games a little over 2 months ago and haven't bought anything since.
  11. Soulwatcher

    Logos yourself or hire someone else?

    I can go both ways, I have hired someone to make a logo for my website in the past. How ever I made my own logo for my current website. I like my logo a lot and have no plans on changing it.
  12. Soulwatcher

    What is the most useful app on your phone?

    Chrome and Gmail are my most used apps on my phone. But I just started using Firefox because it has an ad blocker for mobile.
  13. Soulwatcher

    Would you like call of duty to be an Xbox exclusive?

    Call Of Duty is a cash cow for Microsoft. It makes more money than Minecraft. I highly doubt that Microsoft is going to make it an Xbox exclusive, and it they did, it wouldn't be for 10+ years from now. Because that's how long of a contract, Sony signed with Microsoft to keep Call Of Duty on...
  14. Soulwatcher

    Is Steam worth it?

    Steam is great because you can buy games for insane deals on Steam sales. Not only that it has a friend list, voice chat, streaming and a lot more. Best of all is it's 100% free.
  15. Soulwatcher

    Last Movie Watched?

    The last movie I watched was the 1974 Willy Wonka And the Chocolate Factory. The last time I have seen it was over 20 years ago and I totally forgot about it being a musical. It was a refreshing watch, that's for sure.
  16. Soulwatcher

    Do you pre-order any games?

    I don't preorder games because if you wait 2~4 months you can get it for a discount. I just don't see the point of spending $70 on a game when you can get it for $40 or less if you wait.
  17. Soulwatcher

    Did any game made you choose having Xbox console?

    Elder Scrolls Online is the game that made me pick Xbox over PlayStation, mainly because my Xbox guy was such a high level. But I ended up getting a PS5 too. And then 6 months later I sold them both because I was playing Elder Scrolls Online 70+ hours a week and couldn't stop playing.
  18. Soulwatcher

    How long will youtube last?

    YouTube is never going to die out. You get 10 new content creators for every 1 person who quits making content. Not only that but I know a lot of people YouTube is all they watch. I don't get it, but they like it, and I am sure that there are a lot more people out there like them.
  19. Soulwatcher

    Desktop or Laptop for PC gaming?

    Desktop all the way! They are way more powerful than a laptop, bigger screens better graphics and, much cheaper over all. Over the years, all of my gaming PCs have been desktop computers.
  20. Soulwatcher

    Are you a saver or a spender?

    I can't save money due to the fact that I am on a fixed income and I don't have anything to save. And my wife and I are a one income family. If I had extra money to save, I would save it.