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  1. P

    Rect.js or Vue

    RE: Rect.js or Vue Having worked extensively with both, I much prefer vue. Key reasons being cleaner template , much better state management
  2. P


    RE: Dreamweaver it's an adobe product. which means it loves to eat up your RAM. other editors do not. also, you forgot to check out sublime, another popular editor.
  3. P

    Deno or Node.js

    RE: Deno or Node.js Deno is awesome but it's not going to replace node for a long time. Stick with Node for now
  4. P

    Lua Programming Language

    RE: Lua Programming Language I never tried this code but as far as i know this language is only use for developing games right ?
  5. P

    Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

    RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE? Visual Studio Code, it runs perfectly on my Windows 10 laptop, as well as my Chromebook with crostini(linux) enabled.
  6. P

    Do you own a Switch?

    RE: Do you own a Switch? I do not yet have a Switch unfortunately.
  7. P

    What songs hold the most meaning to you?

    RE: What songs hold the most meaning to you? There's a song "What hurt the most" which really take me back to my old days
  8. P

    Home or theater?

    RE: Home or theater? I prefer watching a movie at home with friends. I have bad experience with theater the crowd destroyed the movie for me, one
  9. P


    RE: Angels No, because they're imaginary figures
  10. P

    Adobe Photoshop

    RE: Adobe Photoshop I use Lightroom, but not Photoshop. I like taking pictures, but I’m not that interested in post-processing beyond what LR provides.
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    RE: Adsense I had a site go from $60 a day to $2 per day because of an algorithm change. Granted the site wasn't very readable. Apparently they only want fluent English in their search results.
  12. P

    What is your preferred email host?

    RE: What is your preferred email host? Tutanota is cheaper in price but also a smaller company so things come slower
  13. P

    Bing is better than Google

    RE: Bing is better than Google I use Bing most of the time, but Google is much better when it comes to very niche or specific queries.
  14. P

    Chat Box

    I don't like the discord idea, since you it wont attach with a forum and you have to launch the app every time but on website we can get everything topics + Chat
  15. P

    iOS or Android?

    RE: iOS or Android? Choices. Both in terms of customizing software and in terms of phone hardware.
  16. P

    Do you have any pets?

    RE: Do you have any pets? I like animals. I just don't like taking care of animals.
  17. P

    What's your Internet Speed?

    RE: What's your Internet Speed? 100/50 through CenturyLink fiber. Gigabit is available, but I live with my parents who aren't willing to pay for it even though it would be like $20/month more.
  18. P

    No Internet! Ohh God. Bored!

    RE: No Internet! Ohh God. Bored! Reading, going for a walk, going to the gym, listening to or playing music, crochet, cross stitch, audiobooks, playing with pets, taking a nap... endless possibilities.
  19. P

    What made you smile today?

    RE: What made you smile today? My girlfriend's "good morning" text
  20. P

    Do you smoke?

    RE: Do you smoke? not a smoker, but I have to admit, if you're doing it right, smoking looks really cool.