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  1. Yarik

    What's your Internet Speed?

    RE: What's your Internet Speed? My internet speed is 100 mbps download and 100 mbps upload. I pay around $15 monthly for it and I'm happy with the service. Altough, in the future I could use something faster as video games become larger and larger in size.
  2. Yarik

    Where did you learn coding?

    RE: Where did you learn coding? I want to learn coding as well. Could you tell me what resources you used to learn from? Like a website or an app? I hope with time I could learn coding and be able to make my own projects.
  3. Yarik

    Folding Smartphones

    RE: Folding Smartphones I'm not a fan of folding smartphones. The idea might be cool but it doesn't seem practical for me. Also, I don't think they're worth the price tag they come with. I'd rather stick with "traditional" smartphones as they last longer and provide more value.
  4. Yarik

    What's your favorite PC Game of All Time

    RE: What's your favorite PC Game of All Time It's very hard for me to choose only 1. I would say Counter Strike and Minecraft. Those were the ones I grew up and spent countless amount of hours playing. Nowadays, I only play CSGO actively and Minecraft has been left behind.
  5. Yarik

    Does anyone play horror games?

    RE: Does anyone play horror games? I've played Outlast 1. It's a classic name in the horror game scene. If you never heard of it, I really recommend looking into it. I can guarantee you won't regret spending your time in Outlast. There's also a sequence to the first game which is just as...
  6. Yarik

    "War" banned in Russia

    RE: "War" banned in Russia That must really suck for the tourists than got in a cell. In which country did that happen? I got interested in hearing the story. Maybe you could link me to some article that tells the story of the tourists?
  7. Yarik

    MSI or ASUS

    RE: MSI or ASUS I wouldn't judge it by brand name only. Both, MSI and ASUS are big brands and have many great products. You need to research the specific models and compare that way. See the advantages and disadvantages of the one and other. I think this is the fair way to make a conclusion...
  8. Yarik

    Favorite streaming Plate-forms?

    RE: Favorite streaming Plate-forms? As for movies and TV shows, my favourite one is Amazon Prime. I feel it has more content than Netflix and better pricing. And I also use YouTube whenever I want to watch random or funny videos. Or gameplay of video games. I could also use Twitch for that.
  9. Yarik

    What's everyone currently playing?

    RE: What's everyone currently playing? Recently, I've been playing CSGO only. I got 40 hours spent ingame for just 8-9 days! I think I'm starting to get addicted to it... And I can't finish the other games that I need to finish. Well, I need some more free time for those.
  10. Yarik

    Are you spending your time wisely with games?

    RE: Are you spending your time wisely with games? I think recently I've been spending my time with video games pretty wisely. When I feel I need to play a game or two, I'll do it if I don't have anything else that is important to do. But I definitely don't spend that much time gaming as I used...
  11. Yarik

    Spillages, Damages & Accidents

    RE: Spillages, Damages & Accidents This might be a little bit strange but when I was a kid I once dropped my phone in a soup. It was working perfectly, only needed to clean it pretty well. Other than that, I don't think I have other tech accidents.
  12. Yarik

    Any Walking Dead Fans?

    RE: Any Walking Dead Fans? I really like The Walking Dead! Tho, the second part of Season 4 and first part of Season 5 are very boring to me. The show just changes a lot and doesn't feel that interesting. I'm still at Season 5 and I hope it will become more interesting again. I don't want to...
  13. Yarik

    Favorite news channel

    RE: Favorite news channel I don't watch news on the TV. I rather read news online and doing that, I could reach to more information that is more objective and not biased. Usually, TV news are very one-sided and don't represent the truth in it's whole.
  14. Yarik

    Happy 22nd birthday Playstation 2

    RE: Happy 22nd birthday Playstation 2 I never owned a PS2. But I'm happy to see that it served the gamers well and some still might be using it. It's one of the greatest consoles and for sure has left memories after it. To those who had a PS2, what's your favourite thing about it?
  15. Yarik

    How often do you clean your PC?

    It's important to keep your PC clean. It will help lowering the temperatures, noise, and overall, it will increase the lifespan of your hardware.  I clean my computer every 2 months to keep it fresh. How often do you clean yours?
  16. Yarik

    Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years?

    RE: Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years? I currently focus only on money. And in the next 10-20 years, I see myself as a successful businessman with at least a couple of companies in different sectors. I'd like to hit the million mark.
  17. Yarik

    Home or theater?

    RE: Home or theater? I would prefer seeing a big new movie in the theatre. The atmoshphere there is completely different. It just feels better overall. Also, I've never tried a 3D movie. It might be the time to try and check what it feels like!
  18. Yarik

    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    RE: Netflix or Amazon Prime? I have used Netflix and I got no complaints. But I think Amazon Prime has more movies and series available on the platform. At least, that's what I've seen browsing for about 30-40 minutes on Prime.
  19. Yarik

    What "diet" do you follow?

    RE: What "diet" do you follow? I don't eat fast food. I try to follow a low calories high protein diet. I need that since I work out and try to build as much muscle mass as possible.
  20. Yarik

    Muscle memory when gaming

    When gaming, you develop muscle memory making frequent moves easier for you and improving your skills at the game overall. Myself, I have a routine of killing 1000 bots in CS:GO daily to train muscle memory and improve myself as a player. It's important for me to always do my best as I'm a...