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  1. Jason Y

    Who is into digital art?

    RE: Who is into digital art? I'd like to get into Blender.  However, it would be very time consuming to learn - and I have other more important projects going on.     Anyway, I do at some point want to strongly tackle Blender.
  2. Jason Y

    Choosing Pre-emptive War

    This is when a nation chooses to attack when seemingly the other side did nothing.   However, the nation that attacks usually feels justified because they claim the other nation committed a crime/crimes.   Anyway, how do you feel about the practice and how do you feel this relates to the current...
  3. Jason Y

    Whats your favorite NFL team

    RE: Whats your favorite NFL team My favorite team is the Tennessee Titans because they are the only one from my home state.  Nonetheless, since they didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year, I supported the Bengals.   However, at least the Titans made it to the playoffs.
  4. Jason Y

    What do you think of Buddhism?

    RE: What do you think of Buddhism? There is no reincarnation in Biblical teaching.  Therefore, I would have to reject Buddhism, but I do think it has a lot of good principles.  Nonetheless, it is highly misleading to people - because it's false.
  5. Jason Y

    Have you heard of Stoicism?

    RE: Have you heard of Stoicism? Stoicism is usually the best way to be.  Nonetheless, everyone is human.  People do get bothered at time, including men.  I suppose a lot of guys drink to dull the pain or do other things.
  6. Jason Y

    What confuses you about Christianity?

    RE: What confuses you about Christianity? I think speaking in tongues, as done nowadays, is wrong - because there are no interpreters.   There is no point to the tongues.  In that case, I see it as heretical.
  7. Jason Y

    Do you believe in reincarnation?

    RE: Do you believe in reincarnation? The Bible is completely against reincarnation.  In fact, the idea totally slams the religion.   However, the idea of karma, in a sense, is very Biblical.  In other words, what you do has consequences.
  8. Jason Y


    RE: Angels The Bible speaks of angels.  Nonetheless, it doesn't mention guardian angels and a lot of specific details about angels.  People are pretty much left to imagination.  Also, it doesn't mention gender of angels, even though some fundamentalists say, and rightly so, that all angels in...
  9. Jason Y

    Demon Possession

    RE: Demon Possession The Bible speaks of demons, not ghosts.  However, belief in ghosts is popular in Christian nations, I think.    Anyway, the Bible takes demonic activity very seriously, so if you a fundamentalist, it would make sense to see demons everywhere.  However, this doesn't mean...
  10. Jason Y

    Modern Pro-Russian Conspiracies

    A lot of people don't trust the US government.  In that case, they are reluctant to believe a lot of the media and it's account on the Ukraine.   Anyway, how much of this is factual?  Well, we do know that the Ukraine regime, despite having a Jewish leader, has a lot of Nazis in its military...
  11. Jason Y

    What color theme do you like?

    RE: What color theme do you like? I like forums to be black.  Nonetheless, for some niches it doesn't work like childcare, lol.   Anyway, dark themes have their fans and haters.
  12. Jason Y

    Nuclear Fallout Disaster Very Possible in Ukraine

    http://Nuclear Fallout Disaster - Ukraine Can this be stopped?   If it comes down to something, how bad will it get?  If it gets bad, how much hard damage could be done?
  13. Jason Y

    Non-Traditional Domain Extentions

    RE: Non-Traditional Domain Extentions Yeah, it seems like those are going massively up in value.  Well, I regret not buying some of them for resell.   Has anyone on here tried to sell .xyz?
  14. Jason Y

    Reseller Hosting

    RE: Reseller Hosting I tried reseller hosting, but it's massively tough.  In fact, you would need a huge startup, just like with a Patreon or anything.   Well, my best success was giving away free hosting a long time ago.  However, it went bad because I gave them too many resources and...
  15. Jason Y

    Free Domain Extentions

    RE: Free Domain Extentions I think having extentions is mostly a vanity thing.  For instance, I have a .club cause I like the "cool look".  Nonetheless, nothing wrong with that, unless you're rubbing it in to people with a sub-domain or a free extension who are more into the material not the...
  16. Jason Y

    No Internet! Ohh God. Bored!

    RE: No Internet! Ohh God. Bored! I lived without the net until I was in college and constant usage when I was maybe 25 or something.   In my youth, the net wasn't available to the masses.  Anyway, I admit I can't live much without the net.   Well, I suppose I'd have to get into writing things...
  17. Jason Y

    Most Challenging Job

    RE: Most Challenging Job Believe it or not, they say that rock stars have a massively tough job.   That's why they get hooked on so much booze and drugs.   Anyway, why do you figure that job is so rough?
  18. Jason Y

    Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get?

    RE: Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get? You can get addicted to high spending.   In that case, you could even have big lottery winnings gone in a year or less.  Well, I believe there are real stories of that!
  19. Jason Y

    Money Talks - The Problem with Capitalism

    RE: Money Talks - The Problem with Capitalism It's just their wives pushing them!  Nah, just kidding, lol, well maybe not to some extent.  Anyway, a lot of times people are under massive society pressure I think to "do the wrong thing".
  20. Jason Y

    Bias in News Story Emphasis

    Recently' an Uber driver who was a mother of three was killed by a rider.   However, this story garnered no national attention.  On the other hand, other stories, motivated by social justice got plenty of coverage. Do you feel this is right to do, out of fear of causing a backlash among some? ...