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  1. Jason76

    Minimum Wage Increases

    From what I've read in the news, it's not the way to deal with inflation. In fact, it just leads to layoffs. Bottom line, businesses are not going to reduce CEO salaries and for small businesses, there isn't a CEO.
  2. Jason76

    What's the Most Humbling Moment You've Ever Experienced?

    I was humbled when I went to jail for 24 hours or so. I was in a holding cell. I couldn't sleep. I had never experienced loss of freedom like that, aside from being in a mental hospital as a teen.
  3. Jason76

    Are you a saver or a spender?

    I don't save. However, I do support my family. In that case, I'm not having fun with it, so t's really about the same, but I'm not complaining.
  4. Jason76

    Which programming language do you prefer?

    I've been into Python these days. Well, a big reason is because I ran into this really cool online video tutorial. I had been watching it last year a lot.