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  1. K

    Spotlight on Gaming Culture: What Positive Changes Have You Seen Lately?

    Hey gamers! Let's shed light on the bright spots in our community. Have you noticed any uplifting shifts in gaming culture? Whether it's increased inclusivity, better representation, or simply a more supportive atmosphere, tell us about your experiences, and let's celebrate the positive strides...
  2. K

    What's Your All-Time Favorite Game Soundtrack?

    What's that one game soundtrack that never fails to get you pumped, soothes your soul, or simply sticks with you long after you've put down the controller? Whether it's the nostalgic tunes of an old classic or the epic orchestral arrangements of a modern masterpiece, let's hear about your...
  3. K

    Unexpected Wisdom: What's the Most Surprising Advice You've Been Given?

    What's the most unexpectedly profound advice you've ever received? Share those moments when someone's words caught you off guard and left a lasting impact. Whether it's a nugget of wisdom from a stranger or a curveball from a loved one, let's hear those unexpected pearls of insight.
  4. K

    What's Your General View On Life?

    What's your take on life? Are you a glass-half-full optimist, a realist navigating the ups and downs, or perhaps a philosophical ponderer? Share your general outlook on life - whether it's about finding meaning in small moments, embracing chaos, or something entirely unique to you.
  5. K

    Other Search engines

    Brave has their own search engine now and there's DuckDuckgo and Startpage as well if you want other alternatives. Personally, I prefer the Brave one as it's accuracy is way above Google in terms of finding exactly what I'm looking for.
  6. K

    When do you listen to music?

    Personally, I listen to it when I feel like it. There's no set schedule for me when it comes to music.
  7. K

    What's your best means for travelling?

    If it's extremely near, I may just walk. Otherwise, I'll drive my car or take public transportation if it's at the mechanic or carwash or has some issue.
  8. K

    What's your favorite movie of all time?

    My choice would be "The Matrix: Reloaded". That movie had everything - a fantastic story, brilliant acting, well choreographed fight scenes and it was a masterpiece. I can't really find any flaws in that movie to this day.
  9. K

    What's your best way for relaxation?

    Going hiking at a nearby trail with my dog, it's nothing but you, the vegetation and mostly tranquil sounds of nature and beautiful view of the sea. Both me and my dog love it.
  10. K

    Would you join the army?

    I also despise any kind of war as well. When you hear the horror stories of some survivors and how the army treated them, I'd never even think of joining something like that.
  11. K

    Last Book read?

    The last book I read is, "Way Of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. Very fascinating book and a must-read for most people.
  12. K

    Last Game Played?

    Played some Dying Light 2 with friends - I won most of the coin flips so someone else had to be the bait for the zombies lol.
  13. K

    What was your first mobile device?

    My first device was Nokia 3310. Those things were so durable - I know that the Nokia 3310 jokes were excessive but they really were tough. The amount of times I dropped that phone and it didn't even have a scratch. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear the phone was made out of Vibranium, the...
  14. K

    Does anyone use Twitter?

    I'm not sure why it's such a hard issue for Twitter to address either. It's easy to spot them a million miles away.
  15. K

    What is your preferred email host?

    To be fair, I do have both outside of the email address with custom domain name just in case that email address isn't accepted by a website.
  16. K

    Do you have any pets?

    Yeah it was because up until that point, she was healthy and the vet had passed her completely healthy a few weeks before. On top of that, she was my favorite dog. It's one of those things that happens in life though. Nothing lasts forever.
  17. K

    Would you join the army?

    Nope. I'm sorry but fighting unjustified wars, murdering fellow humans who most time aren't responsible for what's happening isn't my kettle of tea. Lots of innocent people get killed by the army.
  18. K

    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    I have both of them and although I do watch Netflix more, Amazon has some really good shows like the new Fallout series which is based on the gaming franchise of the same name. That Fallout series in particular is probably the best one on Amazon at the moment. It's well-written and the...
  19. K

    Saying or Current Account?

    I have both for different reasons and I think most people do especially if you have credit cards. I don't have a preference because they're useful for different financial situations.
  20. K

    Favorite TV Shows?

    I'm watching the new Fallout series on Amazon Prime and honestly, it's fantastic so far. I love it even more because I'm a huge fan of the Fallout games and play Fallout 4 all the time.