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What's your most embarrassing experience?


Feb 1, 2022
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We always have that one odd moment in our lives where we felt so embarrassed and at the same time look at what happened and start laughing.

I can remember one day my ribs was tickled from the back without my notice and I farted so loud in public in front of my female classmates. Till today, I will never forget that experience .

Let's hear yours...
The day my uncle joked about my hair in public. It was funny as my hairline is not great and he made a joke of how I may be going bald very soon.
The most embarrassing day in my life was when a lady slapped me in a public transport when she mistook me for someone who was trying to pickpocket her. I was very angry but I had to let it go. She apologized.
The day my uncle joked about my hair in public. It was funny as my hairline is not great and he made a joke of how I may be going bald very soon.
Haha, it's not everyone that's capable of going bald. There's a saying here in my country that those who go bald are going to very rich. It's just a myth flying around .
There was a day when I was going to work and the whole road was flooded and I didn't know where the drainage system was which resulted in my falling inside the gutter. I hurt myself bad that day.
The most embarrassing day in my life was when a lady slapped me in a public transport when she mistook me for someone who was trying to pickpocket her. I was very angry but I had to let it go. She apologized.
What!!! Are you kidding me? I'm definitely going to slap you back because you can't be mad silly at the same time. Why in the world would she think I'd let it slide getting a slap for what I didn't do? This is a big time embarrassment.
I was sexually abused in an open market. I was walking by a shop and a guy in front of the shop tapped my bum. I felt so embarrassed because I never saw that coming. I had to slap him in the face for doing that.
Haha, it's not everyone that's capable of going bald. There's a saying here in my country that those who go bald are going to very rich. It's just a myth flying around .
i have seen a couple of bald men over here. When one is going bald in my place, people send to laugh at them and I don't know the reason.
I was sexually abused in an open market. I was walking by a shop and a guy in front of the shop tapped my bum. I felt so embarrassed because I never saw that coming. I had to slap him in the face for doing that.
I would also do the same thing if I were in your shoes because some people can be very stupid with the way they behave in the public without having any regard or respect for other people.
My dad dragging me around and disgracing me because I went to my former highschool party was truly I nightmare for me even when I am 18+.
Another embarrassing moment in my life again would be the day I slept off in the public transport and I was taken past my stop and I had no money to board another bus back. I walked back from there for almost 1 hour.
What!!! Are you kidding me? I'm definitely going to slap you back because you can't be mad silly at the same time. Why in the world would she think I'd let it slide getting a slap for what I didn't do? This is a big time embarrassment.
Why are some ladies in too much haste to react without making sure that they are with all the facts.

I gave it to her back without holding back.
Why are some ladies in too much haste to react without making sure that they are with all the facts.
I gave it to her back without holding back.
Ladies will always be ladies and that's never going to change. I have come to accept them the way that they are created. I just avoid getting into any issues with them.
I was robbed at a gun point. It was the most embarrassing thing I've been through. I was lucky not to lose my life in the process of it. I hope never to experience that again.
I was sexually abused in an open market. I was walking by a shop and a guy in front of the shop tapped my bum. I felt so embarrassed because I never saw that coming. I had to slap him in the face for doing that.
oh no i am so sorry
I was robbed at a gun point. It was the most embarrassing thing I've been through. I was lucky not to lose my life in the process of it. I hope never to experience that again.

Sorry about this experience. It is not what I would want to pass through at all.
I was robbed at a gun point. It was the most embarrassing thing I've been through. I was lucky not to lose my life in the process of it. I hope never to experience that again.
Thank God for your life. A lot of people get robbed and shot as well when they didn't resist.
Something very humiliating happened which causes me to feel uncomfortable whenever I think about it anytime . It happened in the presence of a girl I was trying to impress when I was in high school.