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Who likes Communism?

RE: Who likes Communism?

I'm an admirer of the old Soviet Union. I think that nowadays it's very unlikely for that to make it again.

They made great contribution to social equality and health as well.
RE: Who likes Communism?

Capitalism is better than communism.
RE: Who likes Communism?

I highly dislike Communism.  Nonetheless, though, when monopolies become so powerful in capitalist countries, it can become like Communism.  It gets to the point when there is no real options but bowing down to a handful of companies.
RE: Who likes Communism?

The original communist ideology supported widespread universal social welfare, improvements in public health and education, provision of child care, provision of state-directed social services, and provision of social benefits. It aimed to raise labor productivity and advance a society in its development. Leaders of earlier generation were strict in following this. They preferred equality amongst citizens. But not so anymore. Even communists have become capitalist. Influence of communism have greatly decreased among people and we have just a few countries or regions controlled by communist leaders. It remains to be seen if communism will survive until next century.
RE: Who likes Communism?

Nascent said:
The original communist ideology supported widespread universal social welfare, improvements in public health and education, provision of child care, provision of state-directed social services, and provision of social benefits. It aimed to raise labor productivity and advance a society in its development. Leaders of earlier generation were strict in following this. They preferred equality amongst citizens. But not so anymore. Even communists have become capitalist. Influence of communism have greatly decreased among people and we have just a few countries or regions controlled by communist leaders. It remains to be seen if communism will survive until next century.
Many countries that are called "communist" today are actually not. Communism stands for equality, free education, healthcare and generally all public servies. It aims for high and efficient productivity. Even tho there are different versions of communism, the base idea revolves around that. If the so called communism in the "communist" countries today does not meet those criterias, it is simply not communism.
RE: Who likes Communism?

I disagree with Communism highly.  Nonetheless, situations bring on Communism.  It's as if countries "have it coming".  I mean, when Marie Antionette says, "Let them eat cake.", what reaction will that get?
I have see a 10 years bloody war where 17 thousands people were killed due to communist terrorism, so I dislike communist. But sadly, in our country communists are also elected through elections.
I think communism should be the base of a country's birth. For example, look at Sri Lanka, when the country wanted to rise again from the ashes of poor financial management where the country went bankrupt, the people has voted for a communist government.

However, after the birth, the sustenance can only be made by a centrist political movement.

In case of birth, I would love to have communism, but not beyond what is absolutely required.
No, I don't like communism. There's nothing to like about it. It's the worst in my opinion. I prefer Capitalism.