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What's your best way for relaxation?


Feb 1, 2022
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When it comes to how I love being relaxed, it's going to be either playing video games or watching movies. One thing with me and movies is that once I watch it for too long, I would fall asleep immediately.

Does that happen to anyone?
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

We ladies love to gossip a lot. If you see a lady who doesn't love to gossip, it means that something is very wrong somewhere.

What I'm trying to say is that I feel relaxed whenever I'm gossiping with my ladies.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Sleeping is my best way of relaxation. I might put movies to watch but I always end up sleeping off. I sleep off very quickly once I'm stressed.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

My best way when it comes to how I love to relax is sitting on the beach and looking at the endless ocean.

The cold air and the feeling of sand under my feet is pure bliss.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

We ladies love to gossip a lot. If you see a lady who doesn't love to gossip, it means that something is very wrong somewhere.What I'm trying to say is that I feel relaxed whenever I'm gossiping with my ladies.
I have been around ladies and enjoyed seeing them gossip about things especially the irrelevant ones. I doubt men can create that kind of time to gossip about things that doesn't matter.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Taking a long walk under a cold chilly weather makes me feel well relaxed.

I love watching movies too for relaxing. I'm watching Game of Thrones now.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Play video games and sleep at the right time. I don't do anything much more than this two when I needed to cool off and take that maximum rest after period of workload.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Play video games and sleep at the right time. I don't do anything much more than this two when I needed to cool off and take that maximum rest after period of workload.
Anyone who enjoys playing video games will always feel relaxed whenever they're playing it because if it's something that adds fun in our lives and makes us happy.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Anyone who enjoys playing video games will always feel relaxed whenever they're playing it because if it's something that adds fun in our lives and makes us happy.
It adds fun indeed, it's been with me since childhood just as I love 'association soccer. But the best means to take a bow after much work for the day is through video games when I'm not ready to sleep.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

I read novels every time when I want to relax. That is one of the ways that I get to relax. Also, going out with my hubby is another great way that I get to calm my nerves each time that I am stressed out.
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Anachiwo said:
Taking a long walk under a cold chilly weather makes me feel well relaxed.

I love watching movies too for relaxing. I'm watching Game of Thrones now.
I don't like watching movies, but going for a walk is a better option that I can use to relax most times whenever I want to feel at ease.
Anachiwo said:
RE: What's your best way for relaxation?

Taking a long walk under a cold chilly weather makes me feel well relaxed.

I love watching movies too for relaxing. I'm watching Game of Thrones now.
I can only enjoy such long walks when I am doing it with someone that is pretty close to me.
It depends on my mood at the moment, sometimes I just play videogames and other days I just want to have a good sleep after seeing a movie or something of that sort.
Sleeping is my best way of relaxation. I wouldn't do anything that's going to make me not sleep well.

It's my sleep that's my best way to stay calm and enjoy myself.
Anything which I am doing that is never going to stress me is something I would enjoy doing as a form of relaxation. This is because that is what being relaxed is all about.
Going hiking at a nearby trail with my dog, it's nothing but you, the vegetation and mostly tranquil sounds of nature and beautiful view of the sea. Both me and my dog love it.
After a long day, I find that sitting and playing the games I enjoy or even watching the streamers or content creators I follow on places such as Twitch and YouTube are good ways for me to unwind.
When I need to clear my head, nothing beats a walk in nature. The fresh air, the sound of leaves rustling, and the peacefulness of the outdoors are incredibly soothing.
I do a lot of things for relaxation and what I do depends on my mood. For instance, I might be interested in watching TV show or playing game, or cooking, or going for a walk, or gardening.
My best way to relax is get on my forum with a Nice cold Pepsi and smoke some good Weed.